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              2 Archival description results for Berwickshire

              2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              George Grahame's Plant Lists
              GB 235 GRG · Collection · 1829 - 2009

              4 items:
              GRG/1 - 'A list of the flowering plants, ferns, mosses and liverworts of Berwickshire (Watsonian vice-county 81)' by G. Grahame, unpublished, c.1945-1956
              GRG/2 - 56 page Manuscript Notebook –'A List of the Mosses and Liverworts of Berwickshire (Watsonian Vice-County 81)' by G. Grahame, c.1953 (added to collection in November 2023, was already in Archives, but catalogued separately)
              GRG/3 - 'A list of the flowering plants and ferns of N.E. England and S.E. Scotland, 1829-1970', unpublished, 1970
              GRG/4 - included in the folder are some notes on the VC81 list by Michael Braithwaite, 2009 who incorporated the records in the BSBI VC81 database; 'Notes on G Graham's 'List' for VC 81 Berwickshire held by RBGE' (also covers VC68, VC72, VC78, VC79, VC80, VC82, VC83

              Grahame, George