Description and arrangement by G. Simpson - August 2023.
2 Boxes.
Box 1: Contains folders, GB 235/CAV/1/1 [Correspondence][GB 235/CAV/1/1 is split into two physical folders], GB 235/CAV/1/2 [Cultivation], and GB 235/CAV/1/3 [Management]. Material relates entirely to George Cave's administration of Lloyd Botanic Garden, Darjeeling, with the exception of item GB 235/CAV/1/1/1, which is a journal entry by Cave when travelling to India in 1896.
Box 2: GB 235/CAV/2 - Contains Folders that relate to various expeditions led by Cave from Lloyd botanic garden, Darjeeling, to Sikkim. Letters, Maps, Diaries, Notes.
Cave, George H.