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George Forrest Collection

  • GB 235 FRG
  • Collection
  • 1902 - ?

FRG/1 Correspondence
• 1: Box of Forrest correspondence, 1903-08 (to and from Clementina, I.B. Balfour, Bulley, Family), Forrest related correspondence, copies of his birth and marriage certificates, transcripts of his diary 1904-05, ‘Account of a Journey on the Upper Salwin, October to December 1905’, copy of the article ‘Land of the Crossbow, March 9th 1906’ from the National Geographic Magazine, (carbon copy, original version is in the red notebook under letter 3, filed in
the same box)
• 2: Box of Forrest correspondence, 1909-1911 – correspondence regarding his Yunnan expedition in 1910, and with I.B. Balfour and correspondence relating to Forrest.
• 3a: Box of Forrest correspondence with J.C. Williams 1911-1912, regarding his third expedition (February 1912-March 1915)
• 3b: Box of Forrest correspondence with J.C. Williams and I.B. Balfour, 1913-14 regarding his third expedition (February 1912- March 1915)
• 3c: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1915 regarding his third expedition (February 1912- March 1915)
• 4a: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1917-1920 regarding his fourth expedition (February 1917-March 1920)
• 4b: Box of Forrest correspondence, including I.B. Balfour and William Wright Smith, 1916-1920, regarding his fourth expedition (February 1917-March 1920)
• 5: Box of Forrest correspondence from June 1920-April 1923 regarding his fifth expedition (January 1921-March 1923)
• 6: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1922-28
• 7: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1929-1932, plus obituaries, etc.
FRG/2 Photographs
FRG/2/1 Prints:
• File of photographs marked ‘Forrest, Collectors, Human, etc.’
• File of photographs marked ‘Buildings, Temple, Graves, Towns, etc.’
• File of photographs marked ‘Mountain, Water, Bridge’
• File of photographs marked ‘Plants A-L’
• File of photographs marked ‘Plants M-Prim-’
• File of photographs marked ‘Plants Py-Z and misc.’
FRG/2/2 Glass Plate Negative Collection
FRG/3 Published work
• copy of the article ‘Land of the Crossbow’, from the National Geographic Magazine
FRG/4 Field Books
FRG/4/1 Unpublished Field Books:
• George Forrest’s field books – 27 original field books dating from 1904 to 1932
FRG/4/2 Published Field Books:
FRG/5 RBGE’s Notes relating to Forrest’s plants
• 16 folders in 15 boxes of RBGE’s plant collection notes arranged alphabetically by genus
• Three boxes of Rhododendron notes written and sent by Isaac Bayley Balfour and William Wright Smith c.1919,1921 and 1922 and Primula lists c.1914,1921 and 1922
FRG/6 Forrest’s lecture notes
• Box of lecture notes and lists of slides
• Box containing photo related lists, 1913-24 and lecture notes
FRG/7 Forrest’s collection of papers (unsorted at present)
FRG/8 maps
• Various maps of Forrest’s Botanical expeditions
• File containing maps from 1918-1922, some annotated and some hand drawn
FRG/9 - collection of work about Forrest by others, includes
• Box containing Cowan’s research from 1934 and information regarding Forrest Centenary in 1973
• Various articles referring to Forrest
• Various newspaper articles which mention George Forrest
FRG/10 RBGE Forrest ephemera – collection of objects used by / related to George Forrest
• Camera similar to one used by Forrest

Forrest, George

Lindberg Locality Lists

  • GB 235 LIK
  • File
  • 1947 - 1962

The list is titled 'Lindberg Itinerary' and is essentially a list of field numbers alongside a location and date.
The locations all appear to be in and around Afghanistan.
There is a note attached to the list in Ian Hedge's handwriting that states: 'These lists of Lindberg collections refer to his zoological and not botanical gatherings. They are therefore only useful in knowing where he collected on particular days. No comprehensive lists of his botanical collections exist, but a paper by Rechinger and Riedl (Ann. Nat. Mus. Wien 65:29-37 (1962) deals with the plants he collected in the Wakhan area.'
Library acc no. ECEU1: (right click, open link in new tab)

Lindberg, Knut

E.H. Wilson Seed / Plant Lists (Arnold Arboretum)

  • GB 235 WEH
  • File
  • 1876 - 1930

• WEH/1: Bound manuscript titled 'China: Wilson's journeys for Arnold Arboretum, 1907, 1908, 1910' containing numbered list of plants with descriptions and names (but no locations). Case binding with marbled end-papers. Printed label on front end-paper: Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd., Account book manufacturers, printers, lithographers & stationers, Kingston-Upon-Thames and branches. Book looks to have been obtained by RBGE in 1942.
(right click, open link in new tab) (library acc: ECDO1)
• WEH/2: Folder containing a list of E.H.Wilson's Seeds from China - list compiled at RBGE from information found in the Plant Incoming Register: "Outdoor Department 1-02 to 10-12", seed sent to Edinburgh by John Stirling Maxwell in 1907
•Three folders containing three prints of Flora of Western China Kew herbarium specimens collected by E.H. Wilson (specimens on loan from Kew, photographed at RBGE) - these to be added to RBGE Archive's 'Plant Portrait Prints' collection.

Wilson, Ernest Henry

Kemp, Dr. Edward Edmund

  • GB 235 KEM
  • Collection
  • 1910 - 2012

•1 file of miscellaneous correspondence
•Box containing images of Kemp for the RBGE Archive
•Newspaper cuttings, a letter from Donald Roger, Branch Secretary of the Scottish Branch of the Arboricultural Association, and a letter from J. Kenneth Hume, Librarian and the RBGE (1999) all regarding the Ken Martin Memorial Award. (Filed in the miscellaneous I-K box

Kemp, Dr. Edward Edmund

Edinburgh Natural History Society - unpublished manuscripts; nature walks in and around Edinburgh and 2020 calendars

  • GB 235 ENH
  • Collection
  • 1983, 2020

2 volumes of unpublished manuscript produced by Janet Rae in the early 1980s. George MacDougall may have typed the manuscripts. The idea was to produce something similar to a book already published, but it was considered too expensive and that there was not enough demand to publish this one. The manuscript does include illustrations, including at least one original pen and ink sketch by Alan McGillveray, and constitutes a description of Edinburgh's changing landscapes in c.1983.
The accession also includes 2x 2020 calendars marking the Society's 150th anniversary in 2019.

Edinburgh Natural History Society

Mike Richardson's Coprolitic Fungi Specimen Collection Notes

  • GB 235 MJR
  • Collection
  • 1996 - 2020

11 binders of Mike Richardson's coprolitic fungi collection notes, taken from samples of animal dung between c. 1996-2020, from locations around the U.K., Iceland and the Falkland Islands.

Richardson, Michael John

W. R. Sykes Nepal Plant Collection

  • GB 235 SYK
  • Collection
  • 1947 - 2018

The collection comprises diaries, notebooks, correspondence, photographs, slides, negatives, and articles relating to Sykes’ 1952 and 1954 expeditions to Nepal, organised by the British Museum and the Royal Horticultural Society. Also includes slides, correspondence, articles, maps, and other material from the 1980s to 2018.

Note on slides and photographs: slides are labelled on the mount (except for metal mounts) with details of date, locale, a descriptive caption, and, sometimes, elevation. Sykes’s handwritten notes (in pocket preceding each group of slides) supply more details. Photographs are labelled on the verso with details of date, locale, a descriptive caption, and, sometimes, elevation.

Aside from the expected botanical images and mountain views and scenery, the subjects of Sykes’s slides and photographs are wide-ranging, including villages and villagers, village houses, street scenes, bazaars, markets, festivals, porters, camp sites, camp activities, nomadic people, Hindu and Buddhist temples, shrines, monks, nuns, and monasteries, Buddhist statues, plant processing, seed drying, animals, cultivation and crops, activities such as wool processing, making ropes and mats, spinning and weaving, and brick making.

Sykes, William Russell

Olive Hilliard Collection

  • GB 235 HIL
  • Collection
  • 1825 - 2023

Collection currently comprising two folders, more expected. Olive's field books are currently held in Burtt collection.

Hilliard, Olive

Tony Schilling Collection

  • GB 235 SCH
  • Collection
  • 1965 - 2005

7 boxes containing -
•Photographic notes (1965-1966)
•Trek diaries
•Field notes
•Immigration papers and trekking permits
•Notes on living plants and herbarium material sent to Royal Botanic Garden Kew (1965-1966)
•List of publications and papers
•Folders of articles
•Bowl made from leaves
•2 ceremonial Ghurkha knives (access restrictions apply - the scabbards are in poor condition, and in one case has split, making the knives extremely dangerous to handle)

Schilling, Tony

Henderson, Col. Frederick

  • GB 235 HFC
  • Collection
  • 1845 - 1895

• 1 box containing 4 folders of correspondence, inc. letter to Capt Henderson dated 2 Dec 1878, Re: exchange of specimens.

Henderson, Col. Frederick

Results 1 to 10 of 471