Flowery expressions of Celia's loveliness & friendship.
Sin títuloThe Weed Collectors, by Julia Parks, 2023l 2nd copy (1st copy is in RBGE Library Collection: (right click, open link in new tab) https://rbge.koha-ptfs.co.uk/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=206769&query_desc=kw%2Cwrdl%3A%20weed%20collectors)
2nd copy held in Archives in Ida Hayward collection as there is information there that relates to the collection in addition to a biography of Ida Hayward.
Order of service for the funeral of Elizabeth Margaret Logan Farquharson (18 August 1915 – 24 May 2023), at Warriston Crematorium, Edinburgh, 8 June 2023; booklet (211 x 147mm), wrapper with colour illustrations, printed in black on white card, remainder in black on white paper, 8 pages including wrapper.
Gunnera Nature Print and article relating to it (Gardenwise, v.48, Feb. 2017). The print was produced by Michele Rodda with help from Dr. Henry Noltie during the Flora Malesiana Symposium held at RBGE in July 2016.
Sin título•Box of ‘Fungi References’, reports, descriptions and field notes
•Folder containing his thesis ‘Fungal Succession Found on Bird Pellets and its comparison with the Dung Sequence’ (Jun – Oct 1959)
•Four folders of papers
•Two boxes of material for a biography of James Bolton (1735-1799) and his collecting sites and lecture notes on the same. (Slides are kept in the slide collection)
•5 boxes including papers regarding the bequest of the herbarium, British plants field notes and India and Malaya field notes.
Sin título•6 notebooks of sketches (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland) donated to D. Henderson and RBGE.
Sin título2 limited edition hand coloured multi block wood engravings showing the plantsman Reginald Farrer created in 2015 by artist Abigail Rorer of the Lone Oak Press.
Sin título•Some correspondence filed with Sir Wm. Wright Smith papers under “Smith, Sir Wm. W.”, “Rhododendron Corresp”, material boxed alphabetically in these boxes
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