‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
- GB 235 CHR
- Bestanddeel
- 1797 - 1882
Monograph ‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
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‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
Monograph ‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
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-Photograph of David Douglas
-2 handwritten letters from Samuel Crosse regarding David Douglas’s telescope.
1) dated April 29th 1920 to The Curator at Kew Gardens, London + photocopy
2) dated May 6th 1920 to Lt. Col. F.R.S. Balfour at Dawyck, Peeblesshire
-Reprint from the Transactions of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science - R. Dow on David Douglas, Scone - "David Douglas, Scone, Botanist and Pioneer of Arboriculture", read 14th April 1910.
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Letter thanking the Council of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh for giving him a copy of the Third Annual Report of Proceedings (November 3, 1840)
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Alistair Watt donation - Robert Fortune related ephemera
Collection of items located, sourced and collected by Alistair Watt when writing his Robert Fortune biography: (right click, open link in new tab: https://rbge.koha-ptfs.co.uk/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=104078&query_desc=kw%2Cwrdl%3A%20watt%2C%20alistair)
GB 235 WAA/1/1-5: five 19th century Chinese watercolours on pith rice paper depicting various stages in the tea manufacturing process.
GB 235 WAA/2: Wood engraved print from the Illustrated London News, 1859, showing Howqua Garden, Canton [Guangdong] from Mr. Albert Smith's 'China'.
GB 235 WAA/3: black and white stereoscopic photograph entitled "In the celebrated Fati Gardens, Honam, China" taken by C.H. Graves in 1902, the Universal Photo Art Company, Philadelphia, USA.
GB 235 WAA/4: Reprints as follows;
WAA/4/1: Book Review of 'Three Years Wandering in the Northern Provinces of China...' by Robert Fortune, Botanical Collector to the Royal Horticultural Society, reprinted from the Dublin Review, September 1847.
WAA/4/2: 'Descriptions of some new and apparently undescribed species of Hymenopterous insects from North China collected by Robert Fortune Esq.' by F. Smith Esq. reprinted from the Transactions of the Etomological Society of London, New Series, Vol 2, pt 2, 1852.
WAA/4/3: 'Descriptions of some Longicorn beetles discovered in Northern China by Robert Fortune Esq.' by W. Wilson Saunders Esq. FLS reprinted from the Transactions of the Etomological Society of London, New Series, Vol 2, pt 4, 1853.
GB 235 WAA/5: Article in Chinese "Review of Howqua's Gardens at Canton in the Late Qing Dynasty" by PENG Chang-xin, from Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2009
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Correspondence; see “Aglen Collection”. “W.H. Campbell Correspondence” Botanical Society of [Edinburgh] Scotland (BSS)
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Two letters to Dr William Roxburgh from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia
•2 letters, dated 1801 & 1803, from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia to Dr. Roxburgh, Calcutta, previously filed under “Roxburgh, Dr. Wm.” At this time, Batavia was the capital of the Dutch East Indies, and corresponds with Jakarta, Indonesia today.
Second letter relates to Thomas Horsfield exploring the vegetation of Java, learning of indiginous knowledge of medicinal plants and his thoughts of publishing a 'Plantae Javanicae Rariores', which he eventually did.
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Three papers relating to Elgin Botanic Garden, New York:
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•Letter to Watson from Henry Trimen (16 Jan 1876)
•Letter to Watson from Henry Roscoe (1 May 1872)
•Copy of a letter to the Linnaean Society from Watson (23 Dec 1863)
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•2 letters dated 1861 & 1863 to Dr Thos. Anderson – item 86 & 87 in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” – Box 2
•3 letters dated 1877 -1878 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” correspondence under “Decaisne, J”
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Papers relating to William Gardiner’s Flora of Forfarshire
•Materials related to his book ‘Flora of Forfarshire’ – 16 page handwritten monograph ‘Catalogue of Mosses Collected in Forfarshire and Perthshire; including 155 species and varieties belonging to 26 genera.’ bound in card cover. Inset at the end is a copy of a letter from Alex. P. Stevenson, stamped 17 Jun 1903, referencing James Donald – Hampton Court Gardens.
•Note from W.W. Smith, dated 23 Dec 1931 referring to Gardiner’s own copy of his book ‘Flora of Forfarshire’. The copy was lent by Alexander Hutcheson and is believed to be unique, as having mounted specimens of plants interleaved and named by Gardiner himself. The copy referred to in the note is in the Library of The Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
•Lent by Alexander Hutcheson – an advertisement for a proposed 2nd edition of “Gardiner’s Flora of Forfarshire”, which was never published.
•Letter written by William Gardiner to his wife Elizabeth from Castleton of Braemar, dated 26 July 1844, on one of his botanical excursions; acknowledging receipt of a P.O. money order.
•Letter dated 30 Jan 1896 from James Scrymgeour to Alexander Hutcheson re: Wm. Gardiner.
•“The Flora Of Forfarshire”, Gardiner, William, London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longman, 1848.
(right click, open link in new tab:) http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015061233758
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