Receives her letter, sweet smelling, which confirms she will join him in Rangoon next winter. He describes possible sights to see when travelling to Peking or other places, such as where the Dalai Lama has his visiting Vicarage or Japan. Plan to return home by sea with Celia. Speaks of the War, her visit there to the Land of Agony & pleased with his book The Void of War being recognised as an interpretation of such a vast tragedy. Comments on the merits of laughter, religion and ridicules marriage. Prefers to believe in the permanent association of alliance between kindred beings. ‘I must come by sea, to act as a chaperone to my 36 great wooden cases of treasures, including, above all, my dear Celia's.’
Sem títuloWrites of the contrast of the splendours of Paris & the Western Front, feels there is a rising wave of human sacrifice & aspiration. Personal intrigues - difficult to make sense of. Pleads Celia to visit him in Paris.
Sem títuloBox 4: 1916-1918; folder of correspondence, mainly to mother but correspondents also include Aubrey Herbert, E.A. Bowles, William Purdom, Nell Purdom [William's sister], Hugh Faulkener and Italian Legation, Beijing. Subjects include Farrer's operation, John Buchan, gardener's pay, London Air Raid, World War One and Edinburgh. Also, letter from John Buchan, Ministry of Information dated 12/12/1917 referring to Farrer's writing; and folder of documents relating to Farrer's time at the Ministry of Information, 1917-18.
Sem títuloThe collection comprises photographs and reports related to the gathering and preparation of Sphagnum moss, in and around the Moffat/Beattock area, S.W. Scotland, which was used as a medical dressing for wounds during the First World War.
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