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Photographs from Flora Fotografata delle piante piu pregevoli e peregrine di San Remo e sue adiacenze per Francesco Panizzi
Photographs from Flora Fotografata delle piante piu pregevoli e peregrine di San Remo e sue adiacenze per Francesco Panizzi
Photographs by George T. Malthouse
Photographs by George T. Malthouse
Photographs attributed to David Sydney Fish
Photographs attributed to David Sydney Fish
Photographs of trees and flowers by Henry Irving
Photographs of trees and flowers by Henry Irving
Pratt, Antwerp E.
Pratt, Antwerp E.
Photographs owned by William Gregor Mackenzie relating to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Photographs owned by William Gregor Mackenzie relating to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Photographs owned by Stuart F. Hayes relating to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Photographs owned by Stuart F. Hayes relating to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Ludlow, F. and Sherriff, G. Collection
Ludlow, F. and Sherriff, G. Collection
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Glass Plate Negative Collection
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Glass Plate Negative Collection
Southam slides - RBGE visits
Southam slides - RBGE visits
Results 1 to 10 of 13