Affichage de 1380 résultats

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64 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Miller, Phillip

  • GB 235 MPP
  • Pièce
  • 1691 - 1771

•Copy of a letter from Miller, dated 29 Dec 1747, found loose inside John Hope’s copy of Miller’s ‘Figures of… Plants Described in the Gardeners Dictionary’ 1755-60,

Sans titre


  • GB 235 LCV
  • Pièce
  • 1707 - 1778

•Signatures of Carl von Linné and Carolus a Linné (Linnæus the younger) filed with the collection of Signature under “S” in general alphabetical category

Sans titre

Pennant, Thomas

  • GB 235 PNT
  • Pièce
  • 1726 - 1798

•Letter sent by Pennant to Sir Roger Mostyn M.P., 9th Sept 1783)
•Transcript of a letter sent by Pennant to Sir Roger Mostyn M.P. (09.09.1783), presented by Miss Carruthers, (03.11.1964

Sans titre

Gordon, J. Senior

  • GB 235 GOJ
  • Pièce
  • 1767 - 1776

Hand written letter from J. Gordon Senior, to Reverend/Mr. Tilson, dated 10th of February 1767, re: strawberry plants – Bath strawberry/Chili Beet, Discussing the identification of the strawberry originally brought to England by the Spanish ambassador 10 years previously, falsely called the chili beet. Enclosed seed of the humming–bird plant.

Sans titre

Maughan, Robert

  • GB 235 MAU
  • Pièce
  • 1769 - 1844

•Typed copy note of Information about his life given by Miss Maughan, 4th March1908

Maughan, E.J. (MEJ)

Sans titre

History of the Plants of Switzerland

Vellum bound 1769 copy of Haller’s History of the Plants of Switzerland, in Latin and containing detailed annotations in the front and back covers and throughout. (Box 1)

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Thomas Blaikie diary 1775-1781

Diary covering the period 1775 to 1781 including an account of a collecting trip in the Swiss Alps and a list of plants collected and sent to Fothergill and Pitcairn from Bourdigny in November 1775. The first page has been cut out.

Contains a loose and undated handwritten note in English and French on particular dates and points in Blaikie's life including residence, age and date of death. (Box 1)

Sans titre

The Pilgrim's Progress

Third edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, published 1775. Inscribed with the names John Murray and Thomas Blaikie on the frontispiece. (Box 2)

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 1380