Gunnera Nature Print and article relating to it (Gardenwise, v.48, Feb. 2017). The print was produced by Michele Rodda with help from Dr. Henry Noltie during the Flora Malesiana Symposium held at RBGE in July 2016.
Rodda, Michele•5 boxes including papers regarding the bequest of the herbarium, British plants field notes and India and Malaya field notes.
Sinclair, James (1913-1968)•6 notebooks of sketches (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland) donated to D. Henderson and RBGE.
Turner, Alexander (Alick) J.2 limited edition hand coloured multi block wood engravings showing the plantsman Reginald Farrer created in 2015 by artist Abigail Rorer of the Lone Oak Press.
Rorer, Abigail•Some correspondence filed with Sir Wm. Wright Smith papers under “Smith, Sir Wm. W.”, “Rhododendron Corresp”, material boxed alphabetically in these boxes
Magor, E.J.P.•Seller’s ‘Syllabus of Examinations on Medical Subjects’
Seller, Dr.•Collection of signatures (originals), including Carl v Linné, Archibald Menzies and initials (received with papers of Isaac Bayley Balfour).
Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley•Paper titled ‘Lectures on the Valuation of Woodlands and the Disposal of their Produce, with its Transport, Conversion, Qualities and Uses’.
Slater, Andrew•Refs. To botanical exchanges filed under “Mackechnie, Robert”
Mathieson, WilfridMurie, John/ I. B. Balfour
•Correspondence filed under “Linnean Society”