- GB 235 BRB
- File
- 1974 - 1975
1 folder; Colombia 1974/75; File containing correspondence and reports
Burbidge, R. Brinsley
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1 folder; Colombia 1974/75; File containing correspondence and reports
Burbidge, R. Brinsley
5 boxes of slides, totalling around 400 slides, and an envelope "Botanic Garden Notes" (now in Box 1) of news clippings relating to the opening of the Glasshouses.
Corstorphine Trust
Wild Flower Society - Field Botanist's Diary, owned by Judith Basden, Bonnyrigg
One Field diary produced by the Wild Flower Society in which wild flowers are listed. Judith Basden has filled in dates and locations for ones she has found giving us a botanical record for the area mainly around Bonnyrigg.
Wild Flower Society
Wilson, E.H. (Arnold Arboretum)
•Three folders containing three prints of Flora of Western China collected by E.H. Wilson
•Folder containing list of E.H.Wilson's Seeds from China - list compiled from information found in the Plant Incoming Register: "Outdoor Department 1-02 to 10-12", seed sent to Edinburgh by John Stirling Maxwell in 1907
Wilson, E.H.
Rhizanthera chevallierana - Ben Lawers
1 folder containing correspondence, map, 3 photographs and report outlining the discovery of a hybrid orchid, Rhizanthera chevallierana, on Ben Lawers by David Mardon in 1979. The folder was compiled after a search for photographs of the plant taken by Mardon in 1984. Contents include, email correspondence between Clive Stace, Adele Smith and Lorna Mitchell outlining the search for photographs and compilation of the folder (2013), report and notes compiled by David K. Mardon in 1984 outlining his find, map showing where he found it, correpondence between Douglas McKean, [Paddy Woods], R.H. Roberts and David Mardon regarding the identification of the orchid, and three photographs taken by Mardon.
Stace, Clive
1 folder with the handwritten title "Skeleton Leaves Madeira 1854" - inside are 6 pages on blue folded paper containing skeletonised leaves inserted into cuts in the paper. Leaves include magnolia, ivy, oak, coral or erythrina crista-galli, sword coral, Portugal rose tree, common custard apple, lemon and citron. Who compiled it and wher it came from is currently unknown.
Also in the box are three loose leaves, found in the archives store, origin unknown.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Archives
Professor Mary Gibby's Retirement Card - blank copy
1 folder
Muir, Caroline (RBGE Designer)
University of Edinburgh Medal for Botany (Medical) awarded to Patricia M. James in 1954-55
medal with University of Edinburgh crest on one side and Botany (Medical) Patricia M. James 1954-55 inscribed on the reverse in a box by Alex. Kirkwood and Son.
University of Edinburgh
The Timber Merchant's Pocket Companion by Charles Gane, Wood Auctioneer
Small card guide produced by Charles Gane of Charles Gane & Co., Timber, Lath and Slate Merchants, Wisbeach, outlining how to calculate the cost of lengths of timber, published by William Rider and Son, at the Office of the Timber Trades Journal, 14 Bartholomew Close, London. There is an accompanying notebook, blank, but with columns for No., Length, Girth, Contents and Cost.
Gane, Charles
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Laboratory Notes
The book contains numbered sessions of creating microscope slides. The plant subject is listed along with the process used to create the slides and, in many cases, the slides' recipients. According to RBGE microscopist F. Christie, looking at the notes it appears to be plant fixation and histology prior to the preparation of microscope slides for light microscopy. Each part of the plant would need to be treated differently according to how easy it was to slice. The notes refer to the whole process of preparing the slides so for example, some of the samples didn’t cut very well first time but when soaked overnight produced better sections. This information would have saved a lot of experimentation in the future if the process was to be repeated.
The book was thought to By Matthew Young Orr's but his dates at RBGE do not match up with the dates of staff receiving the slides: John Anthony, Jimmy Keenan, Mr Roberts, Dr Blyth, Douglas Henderson, John Macqueen Cowan, Mr Lyle, P. Davies (Peter Davis?), Alexander Nelson, Dr Burns, Mr Green (Peter Green?), B.L. Burtt and Andrew Grierson. The book may have been created by Orr? But perhaps more likey Heather Prentice, Ella Stott, Willie Dickson or Archie McLeod?
The book was an unused 1941 diary.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)