- GB 235 DYJ
- File
- 1879 - 1881
File card (Biog. Index p.47.; Index p.74)
•Letters to Col. F Henderson dated 1879 -81, filed under “Henderson, F”
Day, John
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File card (Biog. Index p.47.; Index p.74)
•Letters to Col. F Henderson dated 1879 -81, filed under “Henderson, F”
Day, John
•2 letters dated 1861 & 1863 to Dr Thos. Anderson – item 86 & 87 in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” – Box 2
•3 letters dated 1877 -1878 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” correspondence under “Decaisne, J”
Decaisne, Joseph
•Miscellaneous letters, papers and newspaper and magazine articles.
•Otto Degener, ‘Flora Hawaiiensis, or New Illustrated Flora of the Hawaiian Islands’
Degener, Drs. Otto and Isa
(Index p.74)
•Correspondence from Rupert Smith 1941 – 1942, filed under “Smith, Rupert”
Dennis, Prof. R
Devonshire, William George Spencer
•Letter regarding being elected an honorary member of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh (October 7, 1837)
Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of
Dickson Nurserymen family; article by Hamish Johnston
•22 page, bound article written by Hamish Johnston adding new information about the Dickson nurserymen families to an article written by Priscilla Minay for the Old Edinburgh Club Vol. 1 1991. Accompanied by 2 pages of corrections to the Dickson entries in Ray Desmond’s Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists. 6 pages of email correspondence with Archive Librarian at RBGE (Feb.2011)
Johnston, Hamish
•monograph; 8 pencil written notes of a biographical nature (originator of letter was James Grieve) detailing his work on Violas at Dickson's Ltd.
and extract of Roy Genders ‘Pansies and Violas’
Dickson's Ltd
•Correspondence, re: late brother’s affairs dated 1889 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” correspondence under “Dickson, Archibald”
Dickson, Archibald
•Hand written letter dated 11 Jan 1945 to: Davis, Peter Hadland
Dinsmore, J.E.
•Correspondence Dobbie & Co. to I. B. Balfour filed under “Balfour, I. B.” papers under” Cuthbertson, W.” – individual folder
Dobbie & Co.