- GB 235 GPX/0001
- Stuk
- c.1890s
detail of tree trunk in growth
Paxton referred to this plate as 16
photographed at Underwoood House?, South Ayrshire
date unknown
Zonder titel
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75 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
detail of tree trunk in growth
Paxton referred to this plate as 16
photographed at Underwoood House?, South Ayrshire
date unknown
Zonder titel
specimen sprig of leaves and flowers photographed with scale
Paxton referred to this as 21
location and date unknown
the plate is edged with orange paper; envelope was marked 'Ash'
Zonder titel
single tree by burn
Paxton referred to this negative as 6
date and location unknown
envelope marked '6-11'
Zonder titel
Ludlow and Sherriff; Expedition Documents
Ludlow and Sherriff; Correspondence
Ludlow and Sherriff; Visual Material
Ludlow and Sherriff; Preliminary determinations
Ludlow and Sherriff; Leaflet of Victoria Medal of Honour 1953