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Seven samples of wood displayed at the International Forestry Exhibition held in Edinburgh in 1884 - all are labelled with "Sierra Leone, Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition, 1884" - additional markings are as follows:
No 5, Gree-Gree, Greegree, 1884.83.31
Beck, 1884.83.32
Koronko, Coronko, Kronko, 1884.83.39
Oak, [Teak scored out], 1884.83.41
Conta-Cobang, Contabang, Cotan Cobang, 1884.83.43
Koondee, Cundee, 1884.83.46
White Brimstone, 1884.83.47 The Exhibition Catalogue indicates that the Government of Sierra Leone had a stand at the exhibition where they displayed "Specimens of the Woods of the Colony, native, polished 1865, redone 1884" - it is assumed that these may have been part of this display.
•Correspondence with Jonn Mackay (1800-1801), G.A. Walker Arnott (1828), P. Neill (1828), J. McNab (1834), R. Graham (1826), and also referenced to correspondence with G. Don (1802-1812) and W.M. McNab (1818 and 1823).
•Copy of ‘Sherardian Professorship of Botany: Application and Testimonials of J.C. Willis’ (18 Nov 1919) •6 boxes of papers and correspondence (1914-1935)
Minimal; ephemera, 3 documents including a letter from Andrew F. Kedslie to Isaac Bayley Balfour with information from his aunt, Mrs Agnes Arnand, Williamson's great grand-daughter & a copy of Williamson's Testament Dative dated 1780 - all documents appear to have been cut from one of Isaac Bayley Balfour's scrapbooks.
•Proposed engagement for expedition to Japan – Correspondence, etc. re: consideration (1859 – 1860) filed under “British Columbia Botanical Association” in main index.
•Collection of photographs, glass plate negatives and lantern slides [to be arranged] (includes 2 photos taken by Roland Edgar Cooper, and one by A.W. Borthwick)