‘A Duns Florist’s Display’, cutting (57 x 66mm), marked as from The Berwickshire News, 11 May 1937.
‘A notable Scottish Expert: Dr John MacWatt’, short article with portrait from Amateur Gardening. 28 November, 1931, 592 (whole sheet 308 x 220mm).
‘Authority on Primulas’, small entry about John MacWatt, with portrait, in The Bulletin, 14 March 1931, 3 (whole sheet 400 x 309mm).
‘Autumn Flowers’, short note (cuttings 42 x 65mm and 30 x 63mm) probably from the same journal as GB 235 MCW/3/4/5, referring to material sent by John MacWatt.
1911 ‘CATALOGUE 1911/ GENUS PRIMULA/ Dr MACWATT, MORELANDS, DUNS, N.B.’ Booklet (187 x 127mm), wrapper, with illustration, printed on pale pink paper, remainder on off-white, 12 pages including wrapper.
1914 ‘CATALOGUE No.6. /GENUS PRIMULA/ Dr MACWATT, MORELANDS, DUNS, N.B.’. Booklet (189 x 124mm), wrapper printed in dark green on very pale green paper, remainder in black on off-white, 20 pages including wrapper.
‘Delphiniums and Heaths from Scotland’, short note (cutting 40 x 64mm), probably from the same journal as GB 235 MCW/3/4/5, concerning plant material sent by John MacWatt.
‘Duns Doctor Wins Competition’, cutting (91 x 63mm) marked as from The Berwickshire News July 1926.
‘Duns Loses Beloved Physician’, cutting (513 x 79mm) from Berwickshire News, Tuesday 1 March, 1938.