- GB 235 HFC
- Colección
- 1845 - 1895
• 1 box containing 4 folders of correspondence, inc. letter to Capt Henderson dated 2 Dec 1878, Re: exchange of specimens.
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6 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
• 1 box containing 4 folders of correspondence, inc. letter to Capt Henderson dated 2 Dec 1878, Re: exchange of specimens.
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Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society
•Menu and invitation to the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society Bicentenary celebrations (2009)
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Edinburgh School of Gardening, List of Rock plants for sale
Edinburgh School of Gardening, Corstorphine, List of rock plants for sale (1929)
Covering letter from Dr. W.M. McIntyre, dated 21st July 1985 to Librarian, RBGE offering the 'Plant List' for addition to the library's collections. Further note from Dr. McIntyre, dated 29 July 1985, acknowledging the catalogue's acceptance and receipt of a photocopy of said item for his own use.
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Edinburgh Microscopical Society
1 ledger, 1 boxfile and 1 lever arch ring binder of material relating to the running of the Edinburgh Microscopical Society
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•Eaton, D.L. letter to Capt Henderson dated 2 Dec 1878, Re: exchange of specimens. Filed under “Henderson, F”.
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East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalist Society
East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalist Society
Note book list of Miss Alice Balfour. Collection filed under “Balfour, Miss Alice" (BAA)
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W. Thiselton-Dyer's correspondence dated 1905-1909 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Dyer, W. Thiselton” cross-ref in entry (IBB)
W. Thiselton-Dyer's correspondence with Sir Geo. Watt filed with “Watt, Sir Geo.” Papers under “Dyer, W. Thiselton” cross-ref in entry (WSG)
W. Thiselton-Dyer's letters dated 10:7:1877 filed in “Balfour, J. Hutton” “Supp. corresp.” cross-ref in entry (JHB)
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2 letters dated 1893 to J.J. Duthie from C.W. Hope; filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Hope, C.W.”
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•Papers from 1893-1953 (including papers of Dr. Malcolm Wilson)
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2 typescripts:
1st script]"Dr. Dunsmure's M.S", Titled: "Evidently note of Prof R. Graham's lecture 'Plant Life'. 25 pages signed on page 24 as James Dunsmure.
2nd script] 29 pages - headed "Richard" on 'Vascular tissues'.
10 pages - headed "Darwin" - comparing plant anatomy to animal circulatory, vascular, glandular, muscular & nervous systems.
3 pages - headed "Mr. Knight" - on sap & buds.
2 pages - headed "Decadolle & Sprengel" - on cells and root.
2 pages -headed "Thomson" on sap.
2 pages - headed "Smith" on bark.
1 page - headed "Dutrochet" 1 paragraph in French referencing tissue permeability in plants.
3 pages referencing "Caesalpinus".
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