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            9 Descrição arquivística resultados para Africa

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            Humphreys, Dr. G.N.
            GB 235 HUM · Coleção · 1932

            •1 box containing papers relating to an expedition to East Africa, Ruwenzori Mountains, (1932); papers seem to be those generated by RBGE Herbarium as opposed to Humphreys himself.

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            Helen A. Milford collection
            GB 235 MHA · Coleção · 1934 - 2002

            •Copy of Milford’s obituary printed in the ‘Quarterly Bulletin of The Alpine Garden Society’, Vol.8, No.4, December, 1940, Vera Higgins, MA (ed.) pp.14-15
            •Note book containing field notes from an expedition (1934-35)
            •Correspondence regarding Milford (1992 -2002)
            •Copies of a newspaper article mentioning Milford’s expedition to Durban, South Africa, ‘Rare Wild Flowers Collected: Botanist from England Tour Basutoland’, The Natal Mercury, 25/03/1935
            •Photograph of ‘Helichrysum Milfordiae’
            •Wooden box containing glass plate negatives

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            GB 235 HIL/2 · Dossiê/Processo · 1974 - 1984
            Parte de Olive Hilliard Collection

            Folder of papers relating to maps in Olive Hilliard's collection.
            Papers include:
            Copied list of Maps of Natal and Zululand, 1824-1910 from Journal of the Natal Society, no.2 Sept 1972 with attached note and correspondence from the University of Natal, November 1974.
            Plant Collecting Permit, Olive Hilliard and Brian L. Burtt, Kingdom of Lesotho, January 1984
            Note - list of names
            Copy of hand drawn map, Sunnyside Farm, Lesotho.
            Copy of hand drawn map, Meyers Farm, north of Middelburg, South Africa

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            Dr. F.R. Irvine papers
            GB 235 IFR · Coleção · 1927 - 1970

            •Box containing papers, correspondence, microfilm and information regarding the 1970 accrual of index cards.
            •Two boxes of collection field books
            •One box of papers and correspondence on ‘Nutrition and Vitamins’
            •One box of papers on ‘World Food Problems, etc. and Food Science’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods in Europe (except Britain and Russia)’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods - Britain’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods - Russia’
            •Two boxes of papers titled ‘Emergency Foods – North and West Africa’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods – Central and South East Africa’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods – Middle East and India’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods – China, Malaya, Hawaii and Australia’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods – U.S.A.’
            •One box containing two folders, one of papers on ‘Emergency Foods - Canada’ and one of papers on ‘Food Plants of U.S. Indians’
            •One box of papers on ‘Emergency Foods Central and South America’
            •One box of papers on ‘Commodity Plants’
            •One box of papers on ‘Voandzeia (Bambarra Groundnut)’
            •One box of papers on ‘Bee-Keeping in Africa’
            •One box of papers on ‘Edible Earths, Snakes and Insects’
            •One box of papers on ‘Cattle and Sheep’
            •One box of containing two folders, one of papers on ‘Lizards and Mammals (East Africa)’ and one of containing a Zoo Aquarium Guide
            •One box containing miscellaneous papers, papers on crop plants and bibliographies
            •Six boxes of index cards and papers, divided from: Nos.1-50 (92); Nos.51 (93) – 80 (146); Nos. 81 (147) - 111 (212); Nos. 112 (213) – 134 (249); Nos. 135 (250) – 174 (313), Nos. 175 (314) – 183 (332)

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            GB 235 JHH · Coleção · 1895 - 1992

            •1 box of bequest and correspondence, Orkney, 1895-1992
            •1 box containing Field/Collection notebooks from the Herbarium at RBGE, includes South Africa and Sierra Leone found amongst the A. Somerville archive, May 2009.

            Temporary Numbering and Descriptions as follows:
            Box 1 of 2:
            • GH235 JHH/1 Correspondence, ms. and typescript, 1895–1939. Correspondents include Isaac Bayley Balfour, W. Edgar Evans, William Wright Smith, Subjects include collecting Orkney botanical specimens (subsequently presented to the Herbarium),the cultivation of various seeds (e.g., Tibetan “Trukchuka” barley, Poa flabellata, Carduus lanceolatus); newspaper cuttings, “The Educational Value of an Herbarium: Colonel Johnston and Nature’s Great Garden,” The Orkney Herald, 1 Sept. 1926; obituary of James Johnston, The Orcadian, 8 Sept. 1932
            • GB 235 JHH/2 Correspondence and papers, ms. and typescript, 1939–1949, on H.H. Johnston’s bequest of specimens to the Herbarium, including the transfer of his Orkney herbarium from the Orkney Museum to Edinburgh. Correspondents include W. Edgar Evans, Geoffrey Evans, William Wright Smith, and Marie Johnston Steele. Includes obituary of H.H. Johnston (newspaper cutting), letters from various solicitors on the terms of H.H. Johnson’s will and bequest, and excerpt from “Trust Disposition and Settlement by Colonel Henry Halcro Johnston,” bequest to Regius Keeper, RBGE, typescript copy, 15 Jan. 1930.
            • GB 235 JHH/3 Correspondence, typescript and ms., 1960–1992, on the disposition of H.H. Johnston’s papers and notebooks. Correspondents include Elaine R. Bullard, B.L. [Brian Lawrence] Burtt, H. R. Fletcher, W. Groundwater (Curator, Stromness Museum), Ian Hedge, R.C. Palmer, and Franklyn H. Perring (Botanical Society of the British Isles).
            Box 2 of 2
            • GB 235 JHH/4 Twenty-seven botanical field notebooks, ms.:
            3 notebooks: Catalogue /Herbarium/South Africa: 1–434; 438–1455; 1456–1418 and Madagascar 1419–1822.
            2 notebooks: Collecting Book/Sierra Leone: 3824–5627; 5648–5936.
            22 numbered notebooks (no. 1 missing) of botanical specimens collected in Orkney by H.H. Johnston: Sept. 1914–Sept. 1938.

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            GB 235 MND · Item · 1904 - 1909

            Album is attributed to Nigel Douglas McDouall of Logan and includes:
            East Africa Rift Valley: January-June 1909; 77 photographic prints, 33 watercolours and 5 pencil studies through the territories of the Uganda Protectorate (Uganda), Congo Free State (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and the North Western corner of German East Africa (Rwanda)
            Angola: May-October 1904, 29 watercolours, 4 views from the Africa West Coast steamer with the remainder being landscapes, vegetation and portraits of local people in the south west highland area.
            Mediteranean views - 15 unlabelled watercolour views of the Mediterranean, probably Spain, including coastline views, highland scenes, a village scene and 2 views of roads through arid landscapes featuring local people.

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            Olive Hilliard Collection - Drege herbarium at RBGE
            GB 235 HIL/1 · Dossiê/Processo · 1826 - ?
            Parte de Olive Hilliard Collection

            one folder entitled 'Olive Hilliard's notes on the complex herbarium specimens of J.F. Drège from South Africa' containing "The Innocent's Guide to the Collections of Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher", reprints and copies of reprints: Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher, 'Numbered collecting stations/Standorter-Verzeichniss der von C.L.Zehyer in Sudafrika gesammelten Pflanzen'; Ecklon, C.F. 'Plants found in the District of Uitenhage...1829-30' from South African Quarterly, 1830; Drege, Witteberg, etc; Drege, J.F. 'Standorter-Verzeichniss der von J.F.Drege' - "Drege Area 1" and "Drege Area 5b"; "Drege's Journeys"-Kirby, Percival R 'Early Professional Museum Collectors in South Africa' in South Africa Museums Association Bulletin, 1942; 'Herbarien der sudafrikanischen aussertropischen Flora zu haben bei J.F. Hamburg'

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            Olive Hilliard Collection
            GB 235 HIL · Coleção · 1825 - 2023

            Collection currently comprising two folders, more expected. Olive's field books are currently held in Burtt collection.

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            Peter H. Davis papers
            GB 235 RBG/2/DPH · Coleção · 1944 - 1985
            Parte de Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Institutional Archives
            • Folder of illustrations
            • Letter from J.E. Dinsmore (January 11, 1945)
            • Folder of family photographs
            • Map of Turkey (1973)
            • Folder of various loose prints and mounted photographic/artistic material
            • 2 boxes of negatives and prints
            • 2 boxes of negatives and contact prints
            • 1 box of transparencies
            • 1 box of medals
            • 3 degree certificate scrolls
            • 1 box of transparencies
            • 5 boxes of correspondence with contributors of Flora Turkey Accounts
            • 1 vol. of Turkish meteorology
            • Block of Flora of Turkey map
            • Flora Iranica funding application
            • 1 box of correspondence regarding collecting trips to Turkey: 1954, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1975, 1982, 1983.
            • Correspondence regarding collecting trips to Morocco (1970), Algeria (1971), Iran (1974), N. Africa (1975), Brasil (1976), Ghana - cancelled (1978)
            • Itineraries and maps of various plant collectors in Turkey
            • 1 box containing general correspondence regarding Flora Turkey project including:
              o SRC 1961-1976 (cost of project in that time)
              o SRC 1961-1976 (grants and claims)
              o SRC reports 1982-1985
              o NATO grants
              o Composer and EUP
              o Senior Research Fellowship
              o Box containing correspondence with Edinburgh University Press and Authors, vol.1-7 Plant geography of the Middle East
            • Flora of Turkey book reviews
            • Synopsis of costing of Flora of Turkey project
            • P.H. Davis various Articles
            • Diary of a visit to Leningrad in 1959
            • Seed and bulb lists (various) and subscribers
            • Steedman Ramage/ Curator Bonis correspondence (access restrictions apply)
            • Varia, C.V. and obituaries
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