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Miller, Phillip

  • GB 235 MPP
  • Item
  • 1691 - 1771

•Copy of a letter from Miller, dated 29 Dec 1747, found loose inside John Hope’s copy of Miller’s ‘Figures of… Plants Described in the Gardeners Dictionary’ 1755-60,

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Gordon, J. Senior

  • GB 235 GOJ
  • Item
  • 1767 - 1776

Hand written letter from J. Gordon Senior, to Reverend/Mr. Tilson, dated 10th of February 1767, re: strawberry plants – Bath strawberry/Chili Beet, Discussing the identification of the strawberry originally brought to England by the Spanish ambassador 10 years previously, falsely called the chili beet. Enclosed seed of the humming–bird plant.

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  • GB 235 LCV
  • Item
  • 1707 - 1778

•Signatures of Carl von Linné and Carolus a Linné (Linnæus the younger) filed with the collection of Signature under “S” in general alphabetical category

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Pennant, Thomas

  • GB 235 PNT
  • Item
  • 1726 - 1798

•Letter sent by Pennant to Sir Roger Mostyn M.P., 9th Sept 1783)
•Transcript of a letter sent by Pennant to Sir Roger Mostyn M.P. (09.09.1783), presented by Miss Carruthers, (03.11.1964

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Focker, Edward

  • GB 235 FOE
  • Item
  • 1800

Correspondence; see “Aglen Collection”. “W.H. Campbell Correspondence” Botanical Society of [Edinburgh] Scotland (BSS)

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Hamburg Botanic Garden

  • GB 235 HBG
  • Item
  • 1820 - 1822

• 1 short handwritten narrative regarding the foundation of Hamburg Botanic Garden by Prof. C. Lehmann between 1820 and 1822. There is no author's name or date but it is an expert description of the contents of the Hamburg Botanic Garden.

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Parry, Cpt.

  • GB 235 PRR
  • Item
  • 1821 - 1823

•Copy of letter from W.J. Hooker regarding a selection of plants from the Arctic Herbarium, put into Hooker’s hands by Capt. Parry, for publication in the appendix to Capt. Parry’s 2nd voyage (1821 – 1823).

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Graham, Helen

  • GB 235 GRH
  • Item
  • 1823 - 1826

•Helen Graham, James Irvine (ed.)‘Parties and Pleasure: The Diaries of Helen Graham, 1823-26’, Munro Press, Perth, 1957

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