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75 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Prijanto Correspondence
Prijanto Correspondence
Regulations of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India; with a list of members and a short account of its establishment and operations.
Regulations of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India; with a list of members and a short account of its establishment and operations.
Dr Thomas Anderson correspondence and papers
Dr Thomas Anderson correspondence and papers
John Anthony collection
John Anthony collection
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Rhododendron Conference Papers, 1939
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Rhododendron Conference Papers, 1939
Papers connected to the Landowners’ Co-operative Forestry Society, Ltd.
Papers connected to the Landowners’ Co-operative Forestry Society, Ltd.
'Note on Daphne Cannalina Wall'
'Note on Daphne Cannalina Wall'
'Note on the two sp of Machlea[?] In the Darjeeling'
'Note on the two sp of Machlea[?] In the Darjeeling'
Notes of a tour in Sikkim [1 of 2 copies]
Notes of a tour in Sikkim [1 of 2 copies]
Sikkim pass issued to G.H. Cave
Sikkim pass issued to G.H. Cave
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 2135