Affichage de 1380 résultats

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specimen sprig of leaves and flowers photographed with scale
Paxton referred to this as 21
location and date unknown
the plate is edged with orange paper; envelope was marked 'Ash'

Sans titre


single tree by burn
Paxton referred to this negative as 6
date and location unknown
envelope marked '6-11'

Sans titre


row of trees, bare of leaves, with a bridge behind and a substantial house in the background
Paxton referred to this negative as ‘395’
Annick Lodge, Dreghorn, North Ayrshire
One of several negatives taken at this location, date unknown

Sans titre

Azalea Flower

detail of sprig with flowers and leaves
date and location unknown
a print from this negative is included as image 8 in a small album of prints of flowers GPX-0903

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 1380