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Dr Thomas Anderson correspondence and papers

  • GB 235 ADT
  • Collection
  • 1859 - 1868

GB 235 ADT/1 - 100 letters from J.D. Hooker to Thomas Anderson, July 1860-December 1867

GB 235 ADT/2 - 10 letters from J.D. Hooker to Thomas Anderson, March-July 1868

GB 235 ADT/3 - 171 letters from various correspondents to Thomas Anderson, December 1861-October 1867
1-13 - A.A. Black
14-15 - W.H. Harvey
16 - J.S. Henslow
17-22 - H. Cruger
23-28 - W.J. Hooker
29 - Ph. Parlatore
30-32 - M. Wichura
33-35 - Asa Gray
36-42 - John Hutton Balfour
43 - William Jameson
44-45 - John Hutton Balfour
46-73 - R. Henry Beddome
74-75 - George Bentham
76-77 - Binnendijk
78-79 - A. Braun
80-81 - R. Caspary
82-84 - Hugh Cleghorn
85 - N.A. Dalzell
86-87 - Joseph Decaisne
88-90 - Sir William Denison
91 - Michael Pakenham Edgeworth
92 - H.R. Goppert
96 - G.R. Gray
97-108 - Daniel Hanbury
109-110 - H.F. Hancs
111 - W.B. Hemsley
112-113 - William Hillebrand
114 - Walter Hill
115 - A. Henry to Hooker
116-119 - R. Lenormond (Vire)
120 - James McGibbon
121-140 - Alexander Caroll Maingay
141 - Charles James Meller
142-143 - Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel
144 - Grindlay & Co.
145-146 - Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel
147-152 - Charles Moore
153 - Thomas Moore
154-171 - Ferdinand von Mueller

GB 235 ADT/4 - 84 letters from various correspondents to Thomas Anderson, April 1861-December 1867
172-173 - Thomas Dillon
174-180 - J.E. Dury
181 - W. van Gorkom
182 - W.H. Harvey to Hooker
183-184 - A. Landon
185 - J. Nolischlau
186-189 - William Graham McIvor
190-194 - Sir Clements Robert Markham
195 - M. Wolo to J.E. Teysmann
196-200 - J.E. Teysmann
201-207 - Thomas Thomson
208-242 - G.H.K. Thwaites
243-246 - Todaro Agostino
247-248 - John S. Tyerman
249-250 - Robert Wight
251 - William Graham McIvor to Robert Wight
252-253 - Robert Wight
254 - Dr Thomas Anderson to Mr Scott (draft)
255 - Dr Thomas Anderson to Mr W. Grey (Secretary to the Govt of India) (draft)

'Cinchona Reports': bound album of letters and official papers (mainly Indian Government) all relating to economic plants, particularly Cinchona, 1859-1864. includes mention of Cleghorn.

Anderson, Thomas

Andrew Grierson papers

  • GB 235 AGR
  • Collection
  • 1929 - 1990

2 boxes of correspondence, notes & papers relating to Burma Expedition, plant identifications and information relating to colleague's expeditions in Afghanistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

Grierson, Andrew J.C. (1929-1990)

Papers relating to Dr. Charles Alston (Regius Keeper, 1716-1760)

Box 1 of 2 (A04)
•GB 235 ALS/1 “Botanist Royal,” biography of Charles Alston, by J.M. Alston. Typescript copy (London, February 1980) from the original(?), deposited in the National Library of Scotland.
•GB 235 ALS/2 Plantarum Medicinalium Etc., with ms. annotations. Text block with spine, loose front cover, missing back cover, 120 pp.
•GB 235 ALS/3 20th century copy of manuscript widow’s petition by Mrs. Alston to H.M. Treasury asking for an allowance to maintain the Physick Garden at Holyrood House, 1762.
•GB 235 ALS/4 Typescript and ms. copies of papers and correspondence, including biography of Charles Alston; history of the Alstons of Thinacre-Milne; list of Alston’s works; advertisement by John Hope for the publication of Alston’s Lectures on the Materia Medica, 1770; “Catalogus sive Index Plantarum.”
•GB 235 ALS/5 Typescript and ms. copies of papers and correspondence regarding the history of the RBGE, 1716–1909. Includes manuscript copies in Isaac Bayley Balfour's hand, of Alston's Royal Warrants from the Register of the Privy Seal, and Alston' typewritten entry from Allibone's Dictionary, and copies of letters from Kinnear (1890), and to D.W. Kemp (1904) and Britten (1909)
•GB 235 ALS/6 Typescript and ms. papers and correspondence, including biographical sketches and notes on the life of Charles Alston; catalogue of works by Alston, c. 1908–1913. includes correspondence from Isaac Bayley Balfour to Prof. Eggeling at Edinburgh University to ask permision to copy relevant information pertaining to Alston and presumably history of RBGE from documents held at the University.
•GB 235 ALS/7 Papers and correspondence, including letter from Charles Alston, 1726 (photographic copy); ms. letter to Prof Balfour from Alex. P. Stevenson regarding “the Alston M/S and the Bower,” 1907; extracts from Mackay’s Journey through Scotland (printed 1723, 1729); typescript and ms. notes on the appointment of Charles Alston as Professor at the University of Edinburgh.

Box 2 of 2 (A05) - items transcribed from Edinburgh University holdings c.1908
•GB 235 ALS/8 Typescript copies of Alston correspondence, including botanical descriptions, discussions of the “sexes of plants,” and experiments with lime water, originally dating 1715-1756. "Copies of 'Alston letters' from University Ms These are not enter[?] in the Ms Life" in Isaac Bayley Balfour's hand. Correspondents include Boerhaave, Thomas Simpson, John Mitchell, J. Fothergill, Phillip Miller, John Hawkeens, Keir, John Ellis, Archibald Hamilton, Alexander Garden, William Cullen and Richard Henderson.
•GB 235 ALS/9 Life of Charles Alston, including copies of correspondence (1724–1760). Correspondents include John Fothergill, John Hawkeens, Stephen Hales, Alexander Garden, and Philip Miller. Subjects discussed include experiments with lime water and its medicinal uses, herbal remedies, the making of elaterium (a plant extract used as a purgative), the properties of amber and ginseng, botanical lore, Materia Medica, and Alston’s hostility to the Linnaean system. Typescript with ms. corrections, 107 pp.; ms. notes entitled “Mr Jeffrey’s comparison of the MS. Life of Alston,” 4 pp.
•GB 235 ALS/10 Life of Charles Alston. Typescript copy (see above) "Alston's Life, from an old manuscript - Isaac Bayley Balfour's hand).

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

John Anthony collection

  • GB 235 ANT
  • Collection
  • 1910 - 1972

GB 235 ANT/1 - photo album including photographs of John Anthony and his family, Edinburgh views and photos relating to World War One, including the Edinburgh University Officers Training Corps at Peebles in 1915 showing Cadets Brown, Purves, Mills, Anthony, Smith, Hatton and Wallinck; Anthony with the Royal Welch Fusiliers in Oswestry and Llangollen (Anthony, Evans, Edwards, Gavin, Richards and Mitford) and Capt J Anthony M.C. and Capt J.H. Dick M.C. on the Somme in 1916.
GB 235 ANT/2 - Transcripts of 'The Identification of British Trees, Shrubs and Under Shrubs by means of the Microscopic Structure of their Wood', including photographs - 2 copies, loose sheets.
GB 235 ANT/3 - Original Manuscript for Flora of Sutherland, c.1970 - comparison with the published version shows the extent of J.B. Kenworthy's editing, as described in his introduction (right click, open link in new tab):

Anthony, John

Professor Henry Edward Armstrong Lecture Notes

  • GB 235 ARM
  • Collection
  • 1912 - 1921

GB 235 ARM/1 - Lecture on 'Stimulation of Plant Growth' given at 3pm on the 5th March 1912 to the Royal Horticultural Society, Vincent Square, Westminster, this is a typescript from shorthand notes taken by Mr. C.E. Barnett of Grecian Chambers, Devereux Court, W.C. London. These are notes of a lecture on how plants are stimulated to grow, with practical demonstrations.
GB 235 ARM/2 - Lecture on 'Enzymes in Relation to Plant Growth' given on the 3rd June 1921 at King's College, Cambridge. Consists of two lectures on the same subject with demonstrations, slides and blackboard formulae, covering enzymes, their definitions and how they are believed to interact to promote plant growth.

Armstrong, Professor Henry Edward

Papers relating to Dr. William Arthur (Regius Keeper, 1715)

1 box
• Typescript and ms. copies of papers and correspondence, including descriptions of William Arthur’s petition to the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, to practise medicine; Arthur’s involvement in the Jacobite plot to seize Edinburgh Castle in 1715; copy of indentures between Mr Patrick Arthur and John Pearson (ms., Privy Council Register, 1681); extracts from various publications on the history of Edinburgh and of the 1715 rebellion; reprint of “William Arthur, M.D., Botanist to the King in Scotland, 1715–1716,” by Professor Bayley Balfour, Transactions and Proceedings, Bot. Soc. of Edinburgh, vol. 26, part 4 (1914–15) right-click, open page in new tab: ; Arthur family genealogy.
• Scrapbook, including extracts from various publications on the Jacobite Uprising of 1715 and the attempt to seize Edinburgh Castle (see above); correspondence, including letters regarding William Arthur’s funeral expenses and burial, and correspondence regarding Arthur’s memoir on the failed attempt to capture Edinburgh Castle (1897–1915); historical notes on the rebellions of 1715 and 1745; genealogical documents on the Arthur family (of Elie), including copies of testaments and family trees. Typescripts with ms. annotations and mss.

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Papers relating to Sir Andrew Balfour

• GB 235 BAL/1 Folder: "Misc. Papers"; including:
Typescripts of extracts from various sources, including
copy Biography of Andrew Balfour by Patrick Neill;
Early Days of the Royal College of Physicians by Peel Ritchie, Edinburgh;
Some Passages from the Life and Death of the Earl of Rochester by Gilbert Burnett (pp4-6);
Balfour's notice in Anderson's Scottish Nation;
marriage and death notices, from Mr John Lamont’s Diary;
auctions of books belonging to Sir Andrew and his brother, Sir James, the Edinburgh Gazette, 1699;
Extracts from Foulis of Ravelston’s Account Book, 1671–1707.
• GB 235 BAL/2 Folder:
Ms. copy of extracts from Memoria Balfouriana (and English translations);
transcript of letter from Robert Sibbald regarding the Memoria Balfouriana, 1699;
“Pharmacy in Edinburgh in the Olden Time,” by James Mackenzie, The Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, (1871-1872), Vol.11, pp.444-469, typescript;
founding of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, from Robert Sibbald’s autobiography, pp.20-22, typescript photocopy.

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)

Notebooks & Articles by B. L. Burtt

  • GB 235 BBL
  • Collection
  • 1913 - 2009
  • Three passports
  • B.L. Burtt’s Obituary, Edinburgh Evening News, p.14, (7th of June 2008)
  • Two boxes of B.L Burtt’s notebooks
  • Three boxes containing reprints and annotated working copies of various journals and articles
  • in 2019 a folder of biographical information, including 3 photographs, compiled by Henry Noltie was added to the collection. It includes the obituaries and biographical articles Henry wrote, plus other obituaries, articles about Bill, and memories by him and about him.

Burtt, Brian Laurence

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