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6 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Institutional Archives
GB 235 RBG · Fundo · 1670 - 2023

• Draft copy of an article titled ‘The New Plant Houses at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh’ (stored in the ‘R’ box)
• History and development of the garden
• Accounts, 1764-1876 (incomplete)
• Staff Records (incomplete)
• Probationer Gardener records (1889-1935)
• Records relating to education at RBGE
• Photographs
• Maps
• Papers relating to regional gardens – Dawyck, Benmore and Logan
• Plant flowering records (phenology registers)
• Plant records, including inventories, and registers of plants entering and leaving the garden

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Herbarium Ledgers, Gifts, Exchanges and Loans
GB 235 TEMPHerbLedg · 1920 - 2023

Around 40 ledgers were transferred from the RBGE Herbarium in October 2023, to which was added the earliest Donations ledger already in the Archives.
List of Ledgers transferred to Archives, October 2023

Accession RBGEA2023/019


Donations to Herbarium, 1878-1914 (Feb) (commencing from the Donation List printed in Trans Edin Bot Soc v xiii pt2)

Collections Presented or Purchased, 1923-1930 – small notebook

Purchases / Gifts, 1956-1999

Donation Book – indexed by year – 1902-1958 – foolscap

Exchange book – 1956-1998 - arranged by institution we’re exchanging with – keeps track of exchange tallies to keep to and fro even. Some irregular exchanges listed here with note to see red Irregular exchange book for details (below)

Irregular exchanges, 1979-1999 – details (?) of irregular exchanges listed in above book. (looks like this book was meant for listing expedition accessions, but only 2 expeditions listed in 1998.

Incoming Loans

Loans Received 1956-1964 – small notebook

Loans Received 1964-1969 – small notebook

Incoming Loans (Store Copy) 1966-1986 – boards detached

Incoming Loans 1987-1999 – boards detached

Loans Record for RBGE staff, 1952-1999 – keeping track of what loans belong to RBGE staff members

Outgoing Loans ledgers

1: Loans from 1 April 1955 to 12 December 1958

2: Specimens on loan from 6 December 1958 to 1963, Nos 42/58 to 38/63

3: Specimens on loan, 1963-1965 - 39/63 to 20/65

4: Specimens on loan, 1965-1966 – 21/65 to 106/66

5: Specimens on loan, 1967 – 1/67 to 126/67

6: Specimens on loan, 1967-1969 – 127/67 to 25/69

7: Specimens on loan, 1969-1970 – 26/69 to 59/70

8: Specimens on loan, 1970-1971 – 60/70 to 89/71

9: Specimens on loan, 1972-1973 – 1/72 to 33/73

10: Specimens on loan, (Loans Out) 1973 – 34/73 to 137/73

11: Loans Out, 1974-1975 – 1/74 to 104/75

12: Loans Out, 1975-1977 – 105/75 to part loan 87/77

13: Loans Out, 1977-1978 – 61/77 and cont. loan 87/77 to 161/78

14: Loans Out, 1979-1980 – 1/79 to 177/80

15: Loans Out, 1980-1982 – 178/80 to 77/82

16: Loans 1982-1984 – 78/82 to 26/84

17: Loans 1984-1985 – 27/84 to 60/85

18: Loans 1985-1986 – 61/85 to 130/86

19: Loans 1986-1988 – 131/86 to 4/88

20: Loans 1988-1989 – 5/88 to 66/89

21: Loans 1989-1991 – 67/89 to 7/91

22: Loans 1991-1992 – 8/91 to 99/92

23: Loans 1992-1994 – 100/92 to 91/94(pt)

24: Loans 1994-1995 – 91/94(pt) to 134/95

Outgoing Loans – abbreviated Loan books

Loans Out, 1924-1976 – one-line summaries – fore-runner to day book?

Loans Out, 1977-1992 – one-line summaries – nos 1-134 1/77-134/92

Loans Out, 1992-1999 – 135/92 to 2493 one-line summaries – new numbering system starts in 1995 (no 2004) - next book in sequence - ‘Transactions’ or ‘Day Books’

Day Books / Transactions

Transactions, 1999-2007 – nos 2494-5239 – entries are now colour coded to denote what kind of transaction they are – black- loans out, red- loans in, blue- exchange in and out, green- gift in and out

Transactions, 2007-2012 – nos 5240-6766

Transactions, 2012-2019 – nos 6767-8331

Transactions 2019-2023 – nos 8332-8525, followed by Specify Numbers to 01555 at which point it was decided to discontinue paper ledgers as Specify now used to record all transactions.

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John MacWatt Primula papers
GB 235 MCW · Coleção · 1905 - 2023

A collection of material from and relating to the plantsman and primula specialist Dr. John MacWatt including photographs, paintings, scrapbooks, papers, nursery catalogues, articles, medals and certificates.

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Olive Hilliard Collection
GB 235 HIL · Coleção · 1825 - 2023

Collection currently comprising two folders, more expected. Olive's field books are currently held in Burtt collection.

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GB 235 MJR · Coleção · 1996 - 2020

11 binders of Mike Richardson's coprolitic fungi collection notes, taken from samples of animal dung between c. 1996-2020, from locations around the U.K., Iceland and the Falkland Islands.

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GB 235 ENH · Coleção · 1983, 2020

2 volumes of unpublished manuscript produced by Janet Rae in the early 1980s. George MacDougall may have typed the manuscripts. The idea was to produce something similar to a book already published, but it was considered too expensive and that there was not enough demand to publish this one. The manuscript does include illustrations, including at least one original pen and ink sketch by Alan McGillveray, and constitutes a description of Edinburgh's changing landscapes in c.1983.
The accession also includes 2x 2020 calendars marking the Society's 150th anniversary in 2019.

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Mairi Planner's Downie, Laird and Laing Research
GB 235 DLL · Coleção · 1860 - 2019

Collection consists of Mairi Planner's research into the Edinburgh nurserymen Downie, Laird and Laing, including material used in exhibiting the research. Mairi's great great grandfather Andrew Robertson Annan worked for the firm in the 1860s before moving to the Ravelston Estate in Edinburgh where he became Head Gardener - in researching him, Planner became interested in the nurserymen he worked for.

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John Jacob Lavranos papers
GB 235 LAV · Coleção · 1961 - 2019

letters, documents and photographs from the arcihves left by John Jacob Lavranos, and printed copy of field notebooks

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W. R. Sykes Nepal Plant Collection
GB 235 SYK · Coleção · 1947 - 2018

The collection comprises diaries, notebooks, correspondence, photographs, slides, negatives, and articles relating to Sykes’ 1952 and 1954 expeditions to Nepal, organised by the British Museum and the Royal Horticultural Society. Also includes slides, correspondence, articles, maps, and other material from the 1980s to 2018.

Note on slides and photographs: slides are labelled on the mount (except for metal mounts) with details of date, locale, a descriptive caption, and, sometimes, elevation. Sykes’s handwritten notes (in pocket preceding each group of slides) supply more details. Photographs are labelled on the verso with details of date, locale, a descriptive caption, and, sometimes, elevation.

Aside from the expected botanical images and mountain views and scenery, the subjects of Sykes’s slides and photographs are wide-ranging, including villages and villagers, village houses, street scenes, bazaars, markets, festivals, porters, camp sites, camp activities, nomadic people, Hindu and Buddhist temples, shrines, monks, nuns, and monasteries, Buddhist statues, plant processing, seed drying, animals, cultivation and crops, activities such as wool processing, making ropes and mats, spinning and weaving, and brick making.

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