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Watsonby, Hewett

  • GB 235 WYH
  • Pièce
  • 1871

•Letter to from J. Newman from to H. Watsonby (14 Feb 1871)

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William (Bill) Steel papers

  • GB 235 STW
  • Collection
  • 1893 - 1969

3 boxes of archives including mainly cash books, diaries, pamphlets and lecture notes pertaining to Bill's time at RBGE:
Farm cash book, 1924-1930
Wm J Steel journal, 1893-1930 - Cash book?
Carbon copy correspondence book, 1938-1940 + blank book
lecture notes - properties of alpines -farmer's class, 1925-26 - cash book?; ledger accounts; general book keeping
Notebook - chrysanthemums and Dahlias
Envelope - old catalogues
Yellow plant list
lecture notes - surveying, agriculture, 1925-26, botany (Matthew Orr) 1934, Genetics (Dr Nelson) 1934
Account book 1908-1929
Pamphlets - West of Scotland Agricultural College - 100 common weeds, 47 poisonous plants; Ministry of Agriculture, red spider mite, pests and the breeding of grassland; Tables - making up pasture mixtures; home storage of apples and pears...
Commercial strawberry culture
bee keeping
lecture notes, botany
accounts, 1918-1925 - livestock
exercise book - tomatoes
lecture notes? ferns
automatic control - boiler
Scottish Beekeepers Association, 1932 and associated papers
notebook - strawberries
lecture notes, propagation - L.B. Stewart and pathology - Dr Wilson
Notebook - beekeeping
Ideas -practical and otherwise
Fruit Grower, Feb 1940 (Food production in wartime)
Cash ledger 1945-1949
cash book 1949-1956
large ledger 1950
bundle of papers - salesmanship
lecture notes - public parks, tomatoes
letter book 1907-1960s
39 assorted small notebooks / diaries

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William Milne papers

  • GB 235 MWM
  • Dossier
  • 1859 - 1860

•Proposed engagement for expedition to Japan – Correspondence, etc. re: consideration (1859 – 1860) filed under “British Columbia Botanical Association” in main index.

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Winch, Nathaniel J.

  • GB 235 WNJ
  • Dossier
  • 1768 - 1838

•Correspondence with Jonn Mackay (1800-1801), G.A. Walker Arnott (1828), P. Neill (1828), J. McNab (1834), R. Graham (1826), and also referenced to correspondence with G. Don (1802-1812) and W.M. McNab (1818 and 1823).

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Résultats 461 à 464 sur 464