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George Paxton Photographic Collection

  • GB 235 GPX
  • Coleção
  • 1890 - 1902

Subject matter is mainly plants and trees - some of which are the negatives of the photographs used to produce the album Remarkable Trees of Ayrshire which is held in the RBGE Library – together with some images from Royal Arboricultural Society of Scotland annual summer excursions (1896-1902).

The collection also reflects other aspects of Paxton’s photographic interests: these included architectural studies, particularly of tower houses and other historical subjects, both in Scotland and during private travels to Worcestershire, Hampshire, Devon and the Chanel Islands; experiments with light; a fascination with capturing images of water in all its moods; and albums related to his membership of Talbot Circulating Album Club. It is also rich in portraits of family and friends and lively studies of their leisure pursuits.

Collection includes Paxton's bound photographs of 'Remarkable Trees in Ayrshire' presented to the RBGE in December 1894 at the request of Regius Keeper Isaac Bayley Balfour.

Some examples of his photography have been attached to this description. They are not to be reproduced without permission from RBGE.

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International Botanical Congress (10th)

  • GB 235 IBC
  • Item
  • 1964

• Report on the Tenth International Mycology/ Plant Pathology Excursion, held in Aberdeen between August 13th and 20th, 1964. Record of site visits over the period, discusses plant diseases, list of fungi found and their locations.

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Forrest family donation

  • GB 235 FIA
  • Coleção
  • 1886 - 1960

A collection of items relating to George Forrest and his family comprising:
GB 235 FIA/1/1: ‘Rhododendrons and the Various Hybrids’, by J.G. Millais, 1917, No.6, signed by author and annotated by George Forrest
GB 235 FIA/1/2: ‘Rhododendrons and the Various Hybrids’, 2nd Series, by J.G. Millais, 1924, No.5

GB 235 FIA/2/1-7: 7 x ‘Marine Algae of Joppa’ by George William Traill, 1886 (inc. author’s copy(1), Phebe M. Traill(2), W.H. Traill(3), scored out name(4) and 3 unsigned books(5-7, 5 possibly Clementina Traill))
GB 235 FIA/2/8: 1 x ‘Marine Algae of Elie’, by George William Traill, reprint from the Transactions of the Botanical Society of Scotland, 1888
GB 235 FIA/2/9: 1 x ‘Marine Algae of the Orkney Islands’ by George William Traill, 1890, H.C.M.W. (Clementina) Traill’s copy

GB 235 FIA/3: 1 box of 87 microscope slides, mostly trees and shrubs, made by Dr G. Ian Forrest (G. Forrest’s grandson) between 1959 and 1960 whilst studying for his B.Sc in Botany at University College London.

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Collection of items relating to Lichen Dyes including a pattern book of Dyeing Properties of some Scottish Lichens by T.S. Patterson

  • GB 235 LCH
  • Coleção
  • 1854 - 1998

1 box containing book of lichen dyed samples and list 'Native Plants used as Dyes in Tweed Making'

  • file: 'The Dyeing Properties of some Scottish Lichens and of a few other materials' Pattern Book by T.S. Patterson D.Sc. Ph.D University of Glasgow
  • report: Report on the Frequency of Occurrence of Dye-Producing Lichens in Scotland by Edward Stewart. M.A., B.Sc. Fellow of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh.
  • list: Native Plants used as Dyes in Tweed Making, includes extracts from papers describing experiments on the dyeing property of lichens by W. Lauder Lindsay, M.D., Assistant Physician, Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, 1854-1855, and list of lichens which yield dyes based on Les Lichens Utiles by F. Henneguy, Paris, 1883, and Further list of Highland Native Dyes from Occasional Papers by R.C. Maclagan pp. n.d. Paper on 'Highland Dyeing' read before Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 1898 [various versions of these lists - will need sorting before proper listing and cataloguing]
  • report: 'Notes on Occurrence and Distribution in Scotland of Dye-Producing Lichens, Supplementary to report on Occurrence of Lecanora tartarea Ach. by E.J.A. Stewart, M.A., B.Sc.
  • report: 'The Dyeing Properties of some Scottish Lichens and of a few other materials' by T.S. Paterson, D.Sc. Ph.D., University of Glasgow
  • documentation showing that Brian Coppins bought this batch of material from an Antiquarian Booksellers in 1998.

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Scottish Alpine Botanical Club Collection

  • GB 235 SAB
  • Coleção
  • 1870 - 1949

SAB/1: Minute Books, 4 volumes
SAB/2: Accounts
SAB/3: Correspondence / papers
SAB/4: Publications
SAB/5: Photo Album
SAB/6: Maps
SAB/7: Ephemera / Objects including snuff mull and leather bag

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Correspondence from and papers relating to Colonel Henry Halcro Johnston

  • GB 235 JHH
  • Coleção
  • 1895 - 1992

•1 box of bequest and correspondence, Orkney, 1895-1992
•1 box containing Field/Collection notebooks from the Herbarium at RBGE, includes South Africa and Sierra Leone found amongst the A. Somerville archive, May 2009.

Temporary Numbering and Descriptions as follows:
Box 1 of 2:
• GH235 JHH/1 Correspondence, ms. and typescript, 1895–1939. Correspondents include Isaac Bayley Balfour, W. Edgar Evans, William Wright Smith, Subjects include collecting Orkney botanical specimens (subsequently presented to the Herbarium),the cultivation of various seeds (e.g., Tibetan “Trukchuka” barley, Poa flabellata, Carduus lanceolatus); newspaper cuttings, “The Educational Value of an Herbarium: Colonel Johnston and Nature’s Great Garden,” The Orkney Herald, 1 Sept. 1926; obituary of James Johnston, The Orcadian, 8 Sept. 1932
• GB 235 JHH/2 Correspondence and papers, ms. and typescript, 1939–1949, on H.H. Johnston’s bequest of specimens to the Herbarium, including the transfer of his Orkney herbarium from the Orkney Museum to Edinburgh. Correspondents include W. Edgar Evans, Geoffrey Evans, William Wright Smith, and Marie Johnston Steele. Includes obituary of H.H. Johnston (newspaper cutting), letters from various solicitors on the terms of H.H. Johnson’s will and bequest, and excerpt from “Trust Disposition and Settlement by Colonel Henry Halcro Johnston,” bequest to Regius Keeper, RBGE, typescript copy, 15 Jan. 1930.
• GB 235 JHH/3 Correspondence, typescript and ms., 1960–1992, on the disposition of H.H. Johnston’s papers and notebooks. Correspondents include Elaine R. Bullard, B.L. [Brian Lawrence] Burtt, H. R. Fletcher, W. Groundwater (Curator, Stromness Museum), Ian Hedge, R.C. Palmer, and Franklyn H. Perring (Botanical Society of the British Isles).
Box 2 of 2
• GB 235 JHH/4 Twenty-seven botanical field notebooks, ms.:
3 notebooks: Catalogue /Herbarium/South Africa: 1–434; 438–1455; 1456–1418 and Madagascar 1419–1822.
2 notebooks: Collecting Book/Sierra Leone: 3824–5627; 5648–5936.
22 numbered notebooks (no. 1 missing) of botanical specimens collected in Orkney by H.H. Johnston: Sept. 1914–Sept. 1938.

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