Sino British Expedition to Cangshang (SBEC) (1981)
- GB 235 SBE
- Collectie
- 1973 - 1996
•Two boxes containing pre- and post-expedition correspondence (1973-1996) and reports
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Sino British Expedition to Cangshang (SBEC) (1981)
•Two boxes containing pre- and post-expedition correspondence (1973-1996) and reports
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•1 file of miscellaneous correspondence with Dr. Harold R. Fletcher (1958-71)
•Copy of a letter to Taylor from H.R. Fletcher (15 Dec 1965) and an article by Taylor titled ‘Himalayan Plants in the Field’ from The Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, (1948)
•Two boxes of index cards to N. Douglas Simpson’s Index (a gift from Taylor to Royal Botanic Garden Trust)
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•Notebook containing manuscript essay on ‘The Fiographical Distribution of Algae’
•Copy of 'A Manual of Botany' by Le Maout and Decaisne, translated by Mrs Hooker and with an Appendix by Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1876, awarded to James Adam Terras by Prof. Alexander Dickson in July 1886 as a Special Prize for High Proficiency in the Class of Advanced Practical Botany (ELWU2) (seems likely Terras eventually donated the book to the Botanical Society Library?) (book in state of disrepair now)
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Victorian Specimens - "Botanical Specimens collected by Great Aunt Lou c.1862"
2 folders, each containing around 40 specimens, the first being the collection curated by Great Aunt Lou - Louisa Hoby nee Russell in around 1862. The second seems to have been put together at least partly by 'DR' and includes seaweed specimens from Cumbrae.
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•Copy of ‘Sherardian Professorship of Botany: Application and Testimonials of J.C. Willis’ (18 Nov 1919)
•6 boxes of papers and correspondence (1914-1935)
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William Burns, Botanist in India, 1908-1943
Box containing glass plate negatives, lantern slides and microscope slides relating to William Burns's time in India, 1908-1943.
Charles Cardale Babington Ephemera
• A catalogue of the plants gathered on the islands of North Uist, Harris and Lewis during a botanical excursion, (August, 1841).
• Copy of Syllabus Botanical Lectures (1862)
• Two letters to Parnell dated 1847 and 1848
• Two letters to the Botanical Society dated 1841and 1843
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Ness correspondence between Balfour and Bulley (1896-1921)
1 box of Ness correspondence between Balfour and Bulley (1896-1921)
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Notebooks & Articles by B. L. Burtt
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Book of newspaper cuttings and notes relative to the H.M.S Challenger (1873-76)
Box of Challenger photographs
‘The Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876: A Visual Index’ by Eileen V. Brunton, 2nd Ed, The Library, The Natural History Museum, London (2004)
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