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1 album containing ephemera to do with the Balfour professors; John Hutton Balfour, Isaac Bayley Balfour and John Cleland, plus other papers of interest.
The medal is a silver Royal Horticultural Societ Joseph Banks medal and is inscribed 1929 Junior Section General Examination in Horticulture William A Hughes First. In 1987 Hughes made contact with Roy Watling at RBGE and donated his medal - both men had been office bearers for the Botanical Society of Scotland. The medal, and eventually the certificate and all associated correspondence came to the care of M.V. Mathew in the library who placed them in the Archives.
Seven samples of wood displayed at the International Forestry Exhibition held in Edinburgh in 1884 - all are labelled with "Sierra Leone, Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition, 1884" - additional markings are as follows:
No 5, Gree-Gree, Greegree, 1884.83.31
Beck, 1884.83.32
Koronko, Coronko, Kronko, 1884.83.39
Oak, [Teak scored out], 1884.83.41
Conta-Cobang, Contabang, Cotan Cobang, 1884.83.43
Koondee, Cundee, 1884.83.46
White Brimstone, 1884.83.47 The Exhibition Catalogue indicates that the Government of Sierra Leone had a stand at the exhibition where they displayed "Specimens of the Woods of the Colony, native, polished 1865, redone 1884" - it is assumed that these may have been part of this display.