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•Application and testimonials for part of the Secretary /Registrar of the University College of Dundee. (see George Don Sr Collection for further information) http://archiveshub.ac.uk/data/GB 235-gds • paper entitled 'Patrick Blair, Surgeon-Apothecary, Dundee, Scotland: A Memoir' by Alex. P. Stevenson, read to the Dundee Symposium, 9th February 1907 and to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 11th April 1907 - reprint was owned by Isaac Bayley Balfour and has a letter from Stevenson glued into the front cover. It refers to the Blair elephant.
2 boxes of correspondence, notes & papers relating to Burma Expedition, plant identifications and information relating to colleague's expeditions in Afghanistan, Nepal and Bhutan.
•2 boxes of notes on Rhododendrons •1 box containing notes on rhododendrons, a copy of an ecological study on the vegetation of Cyprus, first degree notes, a list of plant explorations in Western China, Lothian Plant collecting field notes, a survey of the flowering plants and their distribution in the Lothians, and a personal letter
56 mss pages in ink and pencil in brown paper folder, 200 x 320mm comprising Part complete and incomplete drafts for projected “New Students’ Flora” – Polygonum, Fagopyrum and Oxyria by Charles Edward Britton, (1872-1944)
drawings and photographs used to illustrate Mann's thesis and drawings on permatrace used in other publications.
Added in 2020 (RBGEA2020/007):
3 sets of postcards depicting algae or diatoms as follows:
3 envelopes of Algal picture postcards from M. Adei; Scanning electron micrographs of diatoms (1994); Marine algae in coral reef (1993); and Algal vegetation in cold current area (1993)
pack of 12 poscards from the British Bryological Society (1994)
pack of Stereographs of the Diatom World, The Educational Association of Algae (2002)
3 misc. items with references to: Charles Robert Darwin
Copy of Tribute to Dr. Wm Pitcairne, Pres Roy. Coll. Phys. (original complete copy filed under "Pitcairne, Dr. Wm.)
Copy of Edinburgh University Darwinian Society; Syllabus for Session Nov. 1891 – Mar. 1892 (original filed with "Balfour, J.B.," correspondence under "Darwin" 3.Syllabus of Three Lectures; “Charles Darwin and his Works” by Prof. Ray Lankester
1 photo album marked 'Vol 2' containing 42 prints of alpine plants; 2 separate prints mounted on card (Cyclamen repandum and Primula reidii); and 3 RHS certificates dated 1947, 1959, and 1964