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6 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Lord Headfort - Taylour, Geoffrey Thomas (4th Marquess of Headfort)

  • GB 235 HDF
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1878 - 1942

•Some correspondence is filed with Sir. Wm. Wright Smith papers under “Smith, Sir Wm. W.”, “Rhododendron Correspondence”, material boxed alphabetically in these boxes

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Ian C. Hedge Collection

  • GB 235 HIC
  • Coleção
  • 1928 - 2007

•Box of correspondence compiled by Ian C. Hedge regarding Flora of West Pakistan – mainly B.L. Burtt and J. Lamond. 7 folders including: File no. SD3015 – Pakistan Botany, Letters from 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 and accounts and drawings not yet published in 1973-85. Correspondence includes E. Nasir, A. Ghafour, S. Abedin, S. Jafri, S.I. Ali, D. Austin, R. Ahmad, M. Qaiser. S.M.A Kazmi, M.H. Bokhari, S. Ahmad Khan
•Box correspondence regarding Flora Iranica – Umbelliferae, 1980-86. Correpsondence includes: K.H. Rechinger, A. Ala, R. Alava, A. Aryavand, V. Botschantzev, L. Constance, L. Engstrand, W. Frey, C. Heyn, V. Heywod, R. Hoffman, J. Leonard, M.G. Pimenov, D. Podlech, C. Townsend.
•Folder of digitised Afghan photographs and some negatives.
•Box of correspondence, including K.H Rechinger, P.Wendelbo, W.T. Stearn, E.E. Kemp, R.R. Stewart,etc. plus Afghanistan photography, donated 11th of February 2007
•Hedge's undergraduate dissertation: 'The History and Anatomy of Dryas octopetala (L.)'; May 1951
•Wooden box containing index cards from Hedge’s Archives
•Toy Corgi Landrover annoteted 'Afghanistan 1968' along with 3x Afghan coins and 1x Scottish golf token [Bells Whisky] (RBGEA2020/006) - the Landrover was such a key member of the Afghanistan expedition team, that in 1962 Ian named a plant after it: Scrophularia landroveri (there is a scan of the herbarium specimen included in the box) and Ian has kept a toy model of the vehicle ever since 1968 presumably, until he donated it to the RBGE Archives in September 2019. (right click to open in new tab or window- recommended)

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Hemsley, Wm. Botting (Kew)

  • GB 235 HWB
  • Item
  • 1842 - 1924

Correspondence with I Bayley Balfour 1892 -1907 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Hemsley, W.B.”
• Letter dated 21st Feb 1867 to Dr. Thos. Anderson – item 111 in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” – Box 2

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Henderson, Col. Frederick

  • GB 235 HFC
  • Coleção
  • 1845 - 1895

• 1 box containing 4 folders of correspondence, inc. letter to Capt Henderson dated 2 Dec 1878, Re: exchange of specimens.

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Hill, Sir Arthur William (Kew)

  • GB 235 HSA
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1875 - 1941

Correspondence with I. Bayley Balfour, 1908 -1922 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Hill, Arthur W.”
•Correspondence with Sir William Wright Smith, 1921 – 1941, filed with “Smith, Sir Wm. Wright” papers under “Hill, Sir Arthur William” in white folder in Box annotated “Kew Correspondence"

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Hillebrand, William

  • GB 235 HBW
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1821 - 1886

•(Tenerife) 3 letters, dated 1880 filed under “Henderson, Col. F”
•(Honolulu) 2 letters, dated 1866 -1867, to Dr. Thos. Anderson – items 112 & 113 in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” – Box 2

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References relating to Joseph Dalton Hooker

  • GB 235 JDH
  • Coleção
  • 1817 - 1911

•Printed Memoir of Dr. Thomas Charles Hope
•Extract from the Caledonian Mercury of 27th October 1845 article by J.D. Hooker (+ photocopy)
•Copy of extract from Linnaean Society of London, General Meeting, dated 21st December 1911
Hooker, Jos. D / J. Hutton Balfour
•Letters, dated 1842, 1876 & 1880 and copy letters dated 1855 -1880 from Jos. D Hooker, to J. Hutton Balfour, are filed with “J. Hutton Balfour” papers under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D / I. Bayley Balfour
•Copy letters between 31 July 1901 and 23 April 1902 from I.B.B. to J.D.H. , are filed with “I. Bayley Balfour” corres. under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D:
i. Letters to to Dr. Thos. Anderson 1860 – 1868 in 2 vols. filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” (110 letters) – Box 1
ii. Letters from W.J. Harvey (Dublin), dated 2 June 1860, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), re;Nuttall’s Herbarium – item 182 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iii. Letter from A. Henry, dated 22 Oct 1861, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), - item 115 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iv. Corres. With Sir Geo Watt filed with “Watt, Sir Geo” papers - Box.
v. 4 letters, dated 1871 – 1875 filed with “Henderson, Col. Frederick” papers –Box
vi. Letters between 1871 & 1880 to J.H. Balfour filed with “Balfour, J.H”, Supp. corres. “H”
vii. Letters, 1901 – 1903 from I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
viii. Letters, dated 1886 & 1904 – 1909 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
ix. Letter to Hooker, dated 1st of September 1902 from Richard T. Baker, (The Technological Museum, Sydney), re; copy of a work on Eucalypts presented to Director Kew, filed alphabetically in main index under “Baker, Richard T.”
x. Printed Botany Examination Papers (2), dated 9th August 1854 & 1858, set by J.D. Hooker, filed under “Hooker, Jos. D” in general index.
xi. Letters, dated 1880 – 1902 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- Separate folder.
xii. Letter to Dr. Jos. D. Hooker, dated 1st May 1862, “On the Fossil Plants Discovered by Dr. Lyall in Greenland” from by Oswald Heer (Zurich).- in Hooker, J.D. folder
• letter from Joseph D Hooker to Charles Ransford, May 29th 1846, found in cuttings collection, now in Hooker, J.D. folder (15/03/2016)

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George Watt's Herbarium catalogue

  • GB 235 WAT
  • Item
  • 1877 - 1888

large register partly filled with information regarding George Watt's herbarium specimens collected in India, mainly north-western Himalayas, Manipur and the plains and lower hills of India.

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Humphreys, Dr. G.N.

  • GB 235 HUM
  • Coleção
  • 1932

•1 box containing papers relating to an expedition to East Africa, Ruwenzori Mountains, (1932); papers seem to be those generated by RBGE Herbarium as opposed to Humphreys himself.

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Glasgow University Herbarium Card Index

  • GB 235 GUH
  • Série
  • c.1942

2 card index boxes (possibly incomplete) listing monocots from Glasgow University's Herbarium that came to RBGE on permanent loan in 1942.

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