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Print of Marie-Anne Charlotte Corday

Print of Marie-Anne Charlotte Corday entitled, 'Marie Anne Charlotte Corday, ci-devat Darmans Agée de 25 ans'. Portrait of Charlotte Corday, half-length, sitting at desk in her cell, holding a letter to her parents; in circle, with below a small figurative scene showing her assassinating Marat in his bath-tub. The portrait is in a black and gold painted wooden frame with a glass panel.
Another copy is held in the British Museum collection:
(Box 4)


Pennant, Thomas

  • GB 235 PNT
  • Item
  • 1726 - 1798

•Letter sent by Pennant to Sir Roger Mostyn M.P., 9th Sept 1783)
•Transcript of a letter sent by Pennant to Sir Roger Mostyn M.P. (09.09.1783), presented by Miss Carruthers, (03.11.1964

Pennant, Thomas

Focker, Edward

  • GB 235 FOE
  • Item
  • 1800

Correspondence; see “Aglen Collection”. “W.H. Campbell Correspondence” Botanical Society of [Edinburgh] Scotland (BSS)

Focker, Edward

Mackay, John - Principal Gardener at RBGE (1800-02)

  • GB 235 MKJ
  • File
  • 1772 - 1802

•Papers referencing obituaries. Mackay, John (Biographical. Index of British & Irish Botanists, p.111); Scots Magazine, 1802, Vol. LXIV, p.448; Edinburgh Courant, 22 April 1802.
•8 page extract of article on The Death of John Mackay, A Worthy Young Man, and an Eminent Botanist - ‘Edinburgh Evening Courant’ 3rd June 1802
•John Mackay, A Gifted Young Botanist, 1772 – 1802, A Link With Leith by D.W.K.
•Copy of letters dated Nov. 1800 – May 1802 to N.J. Winch – filed under “Winch, N.J.” also copy of letters dated 3 June 1801 to G. Houston, Paisley & Mr. Combie Inverness introducing N.J. Winch
•Typed extract from Scots Magazine, 1803, Vol. LXV, pp.96 -97, tribute to John Mackay.
•Letter from John Mackay at Botanic Garden, Leith Walk, dated 6 March 1800, to Lt. Col. Brodie, M.P. at Brodie House by Forres (presented by Sir George Taylor, 8 June 1963)
•3 manuscript pages of Mackay’s records relating to ‘Smith’s English Botany’
•Typed extract from ‘Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, Vol.1, p.215 – A List of the rarer Plants observed in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh.

Mackay, John

Two letters to Dr William Roxburgh from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia

  • GB 235 HOR
  • File
  • 1801 - 1803

•2 letters, dated 1801 & 1803, from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia to Dr. Roxburgh, Calcutta, previously filed under “Roxburgh, Dr. Wm.” At this time, Batavia was the capital of the Dutch East Indies, and corresponds with Jakarta, Indonesia today.
Second letter relates to Thomas Horsfield exploring the vegetation of Java, learning of indiginous knowledge of medicinal plants and his thoughts of publishing a 'Plantae Javanicae Rariores', which he eventually did.

Horsfield, Thomas

Park, Mungo

  • GB 235 PAR
  • Collection
  • 1771 - 1806

•Letter written by Park (held in separate folder "Park, M" in main index box "P"
•Extract from Peter Brent, ‘Black Nile’ (1977) featuring the letter written by Park (held in separate folder "Park, M" in main index box "P"
•DVD titled ‘Mungo Park Sketchbook, 1795’ holding 40 images (09.09.2007)
•DVD titled ‘Mungo Park Sketchbook, 1795’ holding 13 images (09.09.2007)

Park, Mungo

Results 21 to 30 of 2188