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George Paxton Photographic Collection

  • GB 235 GPX
  • Collection
  • 1890 - 1902

Subject matter is mainly plants and trees - some of which are the negatives of the photographs used to produce the album Remarkable Trees of Ayrshire which is held in the RBGE Library – together with some images from Royal Arboricultural Society of Scotland annual summer excursions (1896-1902).

The collection also reflects other aspects of Paxton’s photographic interests: these included architectural studies, particularly of tower houses and other historical subjects, both in Scotland and during private travels to Worcestershire, Hampshire, Devon and the Chanel Islands; experiments with light; a fascination with capturing images of water in all its moods; and albums related to his membership of Talbot Circulating Album Club. It is also rich in portraits of family and friends and lively studies of their leisure pursuits.

Collection includes Paxton's bound photographs of 'Remarkable Trees in Ayrshire' presented to the RBGE in December 1894 at the request of Regius Keeper Isaac Bayley Balfour.

Some examples of his photography have been attached to this description. They are not to be reproduced without permission from RBGE.

Paxton, George

Garnsey, Rev. Henry Edward Fowler

  • GB 235 GHE
  • Collection
  • 1826 - 1903

•3 boxes of translations and correspondence between Rev. Henry Edward Fowler Garnsey and Isaac Bayley Balfour relating to Garnsey's translation of A.W. Eichler, including the m/s translation itself.

Garnsey, Rev. Henry Edward Fowler

Patrick Neill Fraser papers

  • GB 235 FPN
  • Collection
  • 1871 - 1905

•5 Handwritten letters to Isaac Bayley Balfour (1895-6)
•Handwritten letter from “Matthew B. Slater” dated April 12, 1896, to (Geo.) Stabler - regarding the publication of Dr Spruce’s final paper, “A supplement to Hepaticae of Andes and Amazon”.
•Handwritten list of Plants presented to RBGE by P. Neill Fraser 1820 – 1894.
•Handwritten list of Plants
•2 typed letters from I. Bayley Balfour to P. Neill Fraser dated Dec. 5, 1895 & Mar. 30, 1896 - including one where Fraser intends going to Jamaica to collect and would like duplicates as comparators; IBB regrets that many of the herbarium ferns had to be destroyed in 1888 due to insect damage but will provide duplicates of ones held in the herbarium. Enclose introduction to head of plantations and gardens in Jamaica.
•Correspondence, dated Mar/Apr 1905, between I. Bayley Balfour & Cairns, McIntosh & Morton, Fraser's executors, regarding the dispersal of Fraser's collections, botanical effects and books.
•Miscellaneous references - may include Correspondence relating to plants given to RBGE that were gathered between 1874-1890 from the Canaries, Azores, South America, Turkistan, South Africa and the West Indies.
•23 letters to Capt. Henderson dated between 1875 &1881 Re: Ferns filed under “Henderson, F”. Also postcard from Fraser to Major Henderson, Chichester, dated April 17, 1879 regarding a lady correspondent in Sandwich Isles [Hawaii] who sends plants and hopes to have some in return.
•M/S Notebook inscribed ”P. Neill Fraser, Canonmills Lodge, Edinburgh, Feb *, 1856” on inside fly-leaf, Containing notes and references to plants, books, indices (mainly ferns), etc. is filed with “Watt, Sir George” papers with which it had been previously included
•2 catalogues of “Exotic Ferns” Grown by P. Neill Fraser, Canonmills Lodge, Edinburgh dated Oct 1. 1871 & April 10, 1875 listing the available ferns from Canonmills Lodge, Edinburgh.
•Copy of handwritten letter from Richard Spruce to Prof. Balfour, dated 24 Aug 1892 (original with “Spruce, R”)

Fraser, Patrick Neill

Somerville, Alex

  • GB 235 SOM
  • Collection
  • 1842 - 1907

•Herbarium catalogues, including London and South Africa, and a collecting book from Sierra Leone

Somerville, Alex

Photographs of trees and flowers by Henry Irving

  • GB 235 IRV
  • Collection
  • 1901 - 1909

•Folder containing photographs of trees, (1901), used in Percy [Groom’s] ‘Trees and their Life Histories’ (1907), found in the National Museum of Scotland. [accession 2005/08]
•Four small folders containing photos of plants and flowers, dated 1901 on the front but all dated on the back 24/11/1923 and stamped ‘The Royal Scottish Museum’ [already at RBGE by 2005]
•Four large folders containing photos of plants and flowers dated 1901 on the front but all dated on the back 24/11/1923 and stamped ‘The Royal Scottish Museum’ [already at RBGE by 2005]

Irving, Henry

References relating to Joseph Dalton Hooker

  • GB 235 JDH
  • Collection
  • 1817 - 1911

•Printed Memoir of Dr. Thomas Charles Hope
•Extract from the Caledonian Mercury of 27th October 1845 article by J.D. Hooker (+ photocopy)
•Copy of extract from Linnaean Society of London, General Meeting, dated 21st December 1911
Hooker, Jos. D / J. Hutton Balfour
•Letters, dated 1842, 1876 & 1880 and copy letters dated 1855 -1880 from Jos. D Hooker, to J. Hutton Balfour, are filed with “J. Hutton Balfour” papers under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D / I. Bayley Balfour
•Copy letters between 31 July 1901 and 23 April 1902 from I.B.B. to J.D.H. , are filed with “I. Bayley Balfour” corres. under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D:
i. Letters to to Dr. Thos. Anderson 1860 – 1868 in 2 vols. filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” (110 letters) – Box 1
ii. Letters from W.J. Harvey (Dublin), dated 2 June 1860, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), re;Nuttall’s Herbarium – item 182 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iii. Letter from A. Henry, dated 22 Oct 1861, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), - item 115 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iv. Corres. With Sir Geo Watt filed with “Watt, Sir Geo” papers - Box.
v. 4 letters, dated 1871 – 1875 filed with “Henderson, Col. Frederick” papers –Box
vi. Letters between 1871 & 1880 to J.H. Balfour filed with “Balfour, J.H”, Supp. corres. “H”
vii. Letters, 1901 – 1903 from I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
viii. Letters, dated 1886 & 1904 – 1909 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
ix. Letter to Hooker, dated 1st of September 1902 from Richard T. Baker, (The Technological Museum, Sydney), re; copy of a work on Eucalypts presented to Director Kew, filed alphabetically in main index under “Baker, Richard T.”
x. Printed Botany Examination Papers (2), dated 9th August 1854 & 1858, set by J.D. Hooker, filed under “Hooker, Jos. D” in general index.
xi. Letters, dated 1880 – 1902 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- Separate folder.
xii. Letter to Dr. Jos. D. Hooker, dated 1st May 1862, “On the Fossil Plants Discovered by Dr. Lyall in Greenland” from by Oswald Heer (Zurich).- in Hooker, J.D. folder
• letter from Joseph D Hooker to Charles Ransford, May 29th 1846, found in cuttings collection, now in Hooker, J.D. folder (15/03/2016)

Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton

David Reid Tait papers

  • GB 235 DRT
  • Collection
  • 1906 - 1913

Photographs of Christmas Island, letters, and documents relating to Tait's career on Christmas Island, Henderson Island and Las Vegas, 1906-1913

Tait, David Reid

Lindsay, Robert

  • GB 235 LRO
  • Collection
  • 1846 - 1913

•List of plants at Kaimes Lodge, Murrayfield, 1907-1909

Lindsay, Robert

Morrison, Dr. Alexander (1849-1913)

  • GB 235 MOA
  • Collection
  • 1890 - 1915

•Box containing notes and correspondence on Australia and the South Pacific Islands; 3 folders;

  • correspondence relating to Alexander Morrison's bequest, 1913-1915
  • folder of manuscript notes relating to the flora of Western Australia, e.g. 'Salt bushes and their cultivation'
  • folder of manuscript notes relating to the flora of the New Hebrides [Vanuatu] and South Pacific Islands, e.g. 'Notes on a botanising Tour in the New Hebrides'

Morrison, Dr. Alexander

Léveillé, A.A. Hector

  • GB 235 LEV
  • Collection
  • 1863 - 1918

•10 folders of plant lists
•List of Léveillé / Leveille duplicates sent to Tokyo and Seoul
•Léveillé Plantae Novae Sandwicencis
•List of correct names for Léveilléan species described in the wrong family
•Léveillé lists
•Folder containing Douglas McKean’s correspondence and research relating to the re-organisation and identification of RBGE’s Léveillé herbarium.
•File containing a Dicots Index – working copy for counting Léveillé Taxa, Douglas McKean’s notebook on Léveillé Chinese and Indian localities, and Douglas McKean’s notes and correspondence relating to Léveillé’s Carex types.
•Correspondence with I.B. Balfour filed with “Balfour, I.Bayley” papers under “Léveillé, H.”

Léveillé, A.A. Hector

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