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- 1843 - 1890
E. Colborne Baber ‘Royal Geographical Society Supplementary Papers Vol. I. Part 1: Travels and Researches in Western China’ London, 1882
Baber, Edward Colborne
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E. Colborne Baber ‘Royal Geographical Society Supplementary Papers Vol. I. Part 1: Travels and Researches in Western China’ London, 1882
Baber, Edward Colborne
•Capt. L.D. Fraser. ‘Military Report of Yun-Nan: Part III, Route Book’, Calcutta,1901. (Belonged to George Forrest so was stored with Forrest collection, but is now housed in the Rare Book Room)
Fraser, Capt. L.D.
•Box containing miscellaneous notes and papers (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing bound Reference Books (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing British Reprints (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing Foreign Reprints – ‘A-Q’ (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing Foreign Reprints – ‘R-Z’ (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing Primula Conference Reports: 1886, 1913 and 1928 (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula Gardener’s Chronicle’ (1928)
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula’ – Typescript Papers: ‘A-E’
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula’ – Typescript Papers: ‘F-N’
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula’ – Typescript Papers: ‘O-Z’
•Box containing miscellaneous photographs
•Box containing a bound collection of photographs with an index
•Box containing miscellaneous photographs – Sherriff reprints by R. Adam and the Royal Horticultural Society. Etc.
•Box containing misc photographs – reprints by R.M. Adam and photos by R. Eudall
Primula/ Ludlow
•Collection of books, papers, reprints, Photographs, etc. on PRIMULA; apparently used, and added to, in succession by I.B. Balfour, W.W. Smith & H.R. Fletcher, is filed in boxes under “Primula” in Main Index
•Papers/reprints include material by I.B. Balfour, W.G. Craib, A Ernst, G. Forrest, R. Farrer, Ludlow & Sherriff (photographs), John MacWatt, W.W. Smith, F. Kingdon Ward, G. Watt, Per Wendelbo, et al.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)
Dr. Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti correspondence with William Wright Smith
1 box of correspondence between Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti and William Wright Smith dating from 1922-1930.
Handel-Mazzetti, Dr. Heinrich
Wilson, E.H. (Arnold Arboretum)
•Three folders containing three prints of Flora of Western China collected by E.H. Wilson
•Folder containing list of E.H.Wilson's Seeds from China - list compiled from information found in the Plant Incoming Register: "Outdoor Department 1-02 to 10-12", seed sent to Edinburgh by John Stirling Maxwell in 1907
Wilson, E.H.
•Copy of ‘Sherardian Professorship of Botany: Application and Testimonials of J.C. Willis’ (18 Nov 1919)
•6 boxes of papers and correspondence (1914-1935)
Willis, John Christopher
Photographs taken in Yunnan China, 2003, by Leonie Paterson
•Box containing photographs of an expedition to China, and George Forrest related photographs, 2003
Paterson, Leonie