Regius Keeper



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Regius Keeper

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Regius Keeper

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Regius Keeper

14 Archival description results for Regius Keeper

14 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Douglas Mackay Henderson Collection

•Henderson’s annotated copy of ‘Lost of British Uredinales’ by M. Wilson and G.R. Bisby, 1954
•Box of papers regarding conferences, foreign trips and reports, 1957-78
•Box of papers regarding conferences and foreign trips, 1980-81
•Box of specific correspondence
•Box of general correspondence
•Box of minutes, meetings and agendas
•Box of papers regarding PhD students, thesis and references
•1 file of miscellaneous correspondence between Henderson and Peter F. Stevens and Dr. Geoff N. Greenhalgh (1972-73)
•Framed photographs of the Royal Botanic Garden in the late 19th century by C. Piazza [Piazzi] Smyth, presented to Henderson on his retirement as Curator of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Regius Keeper, Royal Botanic Garden. September 1987.
•Box donated by Henderson’s family containing a thesis on ‘Observations on the Comparative Anatomy, Life History and Host Relationships of Sclerotinia Tberosa (Fr.) Fuckel’, H.B. Gjaerum correspondence, notes for a talk on the ‘History of Scottish Cryptographic Botany’, and research notes on Omphalina.
•Box donated by Henderson’s family containing research on John Hutton Balfour’s ‘Battle of Glen Tilt’, a collection of obituaries, folders of Gairloch, Inverewe, Brodie and Roxburgh, research including notes and publication relating to Wm. Roxburgh (contains photocopy of catalogue of Roxburgh plants presented to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the original of which is held in the RBGE Rare Book Room), folder of West Ross Flora, and annotated checklist of the flora of West Ross.

Henderson, Douglas Mackay

Papers relating to Dr. Charles Alston (Regius Keeper, 1716-1760)

Box 1 of 2 (A04)
•GB 235 ALS/1 “Botanist Royal,” biography of Charles Alston, by J.M. Alston. Typescript copy (London, February 1980) from the original(?), deposited in the National Library of Scotland.
•GB 235 ALS/2 Plantarum Medicinalium Etc., with ms. annotations. Text block with spine, loose front cover, missing back cover, 120 pp.
•GB 235 ALS/3 20th century copy of manuscript widow’s petition by Mrs. Alston to H.M. Treasury asking for an allowance to maintain the Physick Garden at Holyrood House, 1762.
•GB 235 ALS/4 Typescript and ms. copies of papers and correspondence, including biography of Charles Alston; history of the Alstons of Thinacre-Milne; list of Alston’s works; advertisement by John Hope for the publication of Alston’s Lectures on the Materia Medica, 1770; “Catalogus sive Index Plantarum.”
•GB 235 ALS/5 Typescript and ms. copies of papers and correspondence regarding the history of the RBGE, 1716–1909. Includes manuscript copies in Isaac Bayley Balfour's hand, of Alston's Royal Warrants from the Register of the Privy Seal, and Alston' typewritten entry from Allibone's Dictionary, and copies of letters from Kinnear (1890), and to D.W. Kemp (1904) and Britten (1909)
•GB 235 ALS/6 Typescript and ms. papers and correspondence, including biographical sketches and notes on the life of Charles Alston; catalogue of works by Alston, c. 1908–1913. includes correspondence from Isaac Bayley Balfour to Prof. Eggeling at Edinburgh University to ask permision to copy relevant information pertaining to Alston and presumably history of RBGE from documents held at the University.
•GB 235 ALS/7 Papers and correspondence, including letter from Charles Alston, 1726 (photographic copy); ms. letter to Prof Balfour from Alex. P. Stevenson regarding “the Alston M/S and the Bower,” 1907; extracts from Mackay’s Journey through Scotland (printed 1723, 1729); typescript and ms. notes on the appointment of Charles Alston as Professor at the University of Edinburgh.

Box 2 of 2 (A05) - items transcribed from Edinburgh University holdings c.1908
•GB 235 ALS/8 Typescript copies of Alston correspondence, including botanical descriptions, discussions of the “sexes of plants,” and experiments with lime water, originally dating 1715-1756. "Copies of 'Alston letters' from University Ms These are not enter[?] in the Ms Life" in Isaac Bayley Balfour's hand. Correspondents include Boerhaave, Thomas Simpson, John Mitchell, J. Fothergill, Phillip Miller, John Hawkeens, Keir, John Ellis, Archibald Hamilton, Alexander Garden, William Cullen and Richard Henderson.
•GB 235 ALS/9 Life of Charles Alston, including copies of correspondence (1724–1760). Correspondents include John Fothergill, John Hawkeens, Stephen Hales, Alexander Garden, and Philip Miller. Subjects discussed include experiments with lime water and its medicinal uses, herbal remedies, the making of elaterium (a plant extract used as a purgative), the properties of amber and ginseng, botanical lore, Materia Medica, and Alston’s hostility to the Linnaean system. Typescript with ms. corrections, 107 pp.; ms. notes entitled “Mr Jeffrey’s comparison of the MS. Life of Alston,” 4 pp.
•GB 235 ALS/10 Life of Charles Alston. Typescript copy (see above) "Alston's Life, from an old manuscript - Isaac Bayley Balfour's hand).

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Papers relating to Dr. John Hope (Regius Keeper, 1761-86)

•1 box donated via the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Sibbald Trust containing original letters c.1783 (RBGEA2023/014) and a folder of B.L. Burtt's papers and correspondence used in his contribution to A.G. Morton's book.
•1 box containing I.B. Balfour’s scrap book, memoirs and other assorted items
•Box of index cards referring to John Hope
•1 box containing indices to NAS papers and various photocopies of correspondence, etc.
There is a detailed list stored with the following boxes containing photocopies of papers from the SRO which notes what is inside each box and what the references refer to. Documents include correspondence, bills, receipts and other financial accounts
•12 boxes containing copies of NRS Papers marked:
-1. GD253/143/1-4
-2. GD253/143/5-6
-3. GD253/143/7-9
-4. GD253/143/10-13
-5. GD253/144/1-4
-6. GD253/144/5-7
-7. GD253/144/8-10
-8. GD253/144/11-14
-9. GD253/145/1-6
-10. GD253/145/7-10
-11. GD253/145/10-13
-12. GD253/145/4

•13 boxes containing copies of NRS Papers marked:
-E215/3-6, 1769-1829
-E414/1-7, 1764. 1769, 1789, 1825
-E414/8, 1767, 1770, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1782
-E414/9-11, 1785, 1786, 1788, 1789
-E414/12-15, 1789, 1790, 1792
-E414/16-18, 1793, 1794, 1795
-E414/19-22, 1788, 1789, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799
-E414/23-25, 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802
-E414/26, 1803
-E414/27, 1801, 1803, 1804
-E414/28, 1804, 1805, 1806
-E414/32, 1899, 1800, 1801, 1803
-E414/33-40, 1769, 1776
-E414/41-46, 1777, 1778
-E414/47, 1782
-E414/48, 1783
-E414/49, 1785, 1784
-E414/50, 1787
-E414/51, 1789, 1788
-E414/52, 1789
-E414/53, 1790
-E414/54 ,1791
-E414/55, 1792
-E414/56, 1793
-E414/57, 1794
-E414/58, 1795
-E414/59, 1796
-E414/57, 1794
-E414/58, 1795
-E414/59, 1796
-E414/60, 1797
-E414/61, 1798, 1797
-E414/62, 1799
-E414/63, 1800
-E414/64, 1801
-E414/65 ,1802

N.B. Researchers should come directly to the NRS if they wish to request copies of papers held at the NRS (including GD253). Researchers can access the copy which held at RBGE to view and take notes, but copies cannot be made: to obtain copies, researchers must request these be made from the original by NRS.
Researchers must also cite the NRS reference accurately in any work, regardless of whether an image is provided or whether they simply take notes from the RBGE copy.
Researchers must also obtain permission from the collection owner to use any images (if provided) or quote directly from the record. They are also responsible for establishing whether there is any copyright subsisting in the record, which may be separate from ownership, and clearing any usage accordingly.
If researchers have any further queries about this, or wish to request a copy, please contact NRS at .

• Exhibition catalogue: John Hope; Enlightened Botanist written by Henry Noltie and relating to exhibition at Inverleith House, May to July 2011

Hope, John

Papers relating to Dr. William Arthur (Regius Keeper, 1715)

1 box
• Typescript and ms. copies of papers and correspondence, including descriptions of William Arthur’s petition to the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, to practise medicine; Arthur’s involvement in the Jacobite plot to seize Edinburgh Castle in 1715; copy of indentures between Mr Patrick Arthur and John Pearson (ms., Privy Council Register, 1681); extracts from various publications on the history of Edinburgh and of the 1715 rebellion; reprint of “William Arthur, M.D., Botanist to the King in Scotland, 1715–1716,” by Professor Bayley Balfour, Transactions and Proceedings, Bot. Soc. of Edinburgh, vol. 26, part 4 (1914–15) right-click, open page in new tab: ; Arthur family genealogy.
• Scrapbook, including extracts from various publications on the Jacobite Uprising of 1715 and the attempt to seize Edinburgh Castle (see above); correspondence, including letters regarding William Arthur’s funeral expenses and burial, and correspondence regarding Arthur’s memoir on the failed attempt to capture Edinburgh Castle (1897–1915); historical notes on the rebellions of 1715 and 1745; genealogical documents on the Arthur family (of Elie), including copies of testaments and family trees. Typescripts with ms. annotations and mss.

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Papers relating to James Sutherland (Regius Keeper, 1699-1714)

•Biographical notes, a copy of his memoir, correspondence regarding his memoir (1874-1932), and a draft copy of catalogue of plants (1912), copies of letters, a copy of his catalogue prepared by I.B. Balfour and William D. Kemp, and a copy of ‘Faculty of Advocates: Cabinet of Coins (James Sutherland)’ (1856)

Sutherland, James

Papers relating to Prof. Daniel Rutherford (Regius Keeper, 1789 - 1819)

• Ms. lectures on botany (1803–1806?), 44 pp.; Index Stirpium Officinalium, ut in Horto Regio Botanico Edinburgensi, 2 copies, 7 pp.; 1 copy, 4 pp., C. Stewart, printer; ms. note: “Edinburgh Evening Courant, Sept. 18, 1820. Nothing to be found on last page / Column 4.” 1 p.
• Correspondence and papers, including a ms. letter petitioning H.M. Treasury for an additional allowance to maintain the Botanic Garden, 1807; two ms. letters (with wax seals) from Archibald Menzies to Prof. Rutherford regarding seeds sent by Menzies, 1789; ms. copies of two letters from Archibald Dickson to I. Bayley Balfour, 1889 (originals with I. Bayley Balfour correspondence under “Dickson, Archibald”; ms. letter from Henry Paton, genealogist, to I. Bayley Balfour, regarding an inventory of Daniel Rutherford, 1909.

Rutherford, Professor Daniel

Papers relating to Prof. Robert Graham (Regius Keeper, 1820-1845)

Graham, Prof Robert (1786-1845), Regius.Keeper. 1820-1845
•2 boxes of correspondence, notes and papers
includes reprint given to Graham in 1841 by De Jussieu: "Note sur des Fleurs Monstrueuses d'une espece d'Erable" by Adrien de Jussieu, extracted from Des Annales des Sciences Naturelles, June 1841

Dates of creation: 1818–1908
2 boxes
Box 1 of 2
• GB 235 GRR/1 Ms. copies of correspondence, “Transcribed from R. Brown’s Correspondence.3. in the Botanical Department of the British Museum”, regarding Robert Brown’s candidature for the joint offices of King’s Botanist for Scotland, Regius Keeper, and Professor of Medicine and Botany in Edinburgh University, 1819–1827. Correspondents include Sir Joseph Banks, George H. Baird (Principal of the University of Edinburgh), Patrick Neill, and Lord Melville; ms. copies of correspondence between Robert Brown and Robert Graham, principally on botanical subjects, “Transcribed from R. Brown’s Correspondence.1. in the Botanical Department of the British Museum”, 1828–1845.
• GB 235 GRR/2 Typescript notes,” Dr. [James] Dunsmure’s MS. /Evidently note of Prof. Graham’s lecture”, 25 pp.; typescript notes recording other scientist’s views on plant structures and functions:[Achille] Richard, 29 pp; [Charles] Darwin, 10 pp.; Mr. [Joseph] Knight, 3 pp.; [Augustin] De Candolle and [Kurt] Sprengel, 2 pp.; [Thomas]Thomson, 3 pp.; [John] Smith, 3 pp.; [Henri] Dutrochet, 3 pp.
• GB 235 GRR/3 Ms., plant notes, 27 pp; ms. lecture notes for winter course, 47 pp.; ms. notes for Compendium of British Flora, 16 pp., 1831; ms. letter from Robert Graham to W.H. Campbell, Edinburgh Botanical Society, 1 p., 1837. [Note: 29 letters moved to Campbell folder at Boc. Soc. Scotland]; ms. copies of correspondence, 1824–1841. [Originals filed under “Balfour, J. Hutton, sup. corres. under “Plinian”; “Hooker, W. J.”; “Hamilton, Dr. Francis”]; “Biographical Sketch of the Late Robert Graham,” by Charles Ransford (Edinburgh, 1846; “Description of several New or Rare Plants …”, by Dr Graham, Edin. New Phil. Journal, 1829–1832; reprint, Notice of Botanical Excursions into the Highlands of Scotland from Edinburgh this Season, 1833,” by Dr Graham, Edin. New Phil. Journal, 1833; reprint, “Account of Botanical Excursions from Edinburgh in Autumn 1839,” Robert Graham; Index Stirpium Officinalium ut in Horto Regio Botanico Edinburgensi, with ms. annotations, 2 copies, 1826.
Box 2 of 2
• GB 235 GRR/4 Scrapbook, typescript, ms., and copies of papers and correspondence, and [brass?] printing plate: “University of Edinburgh, May 81, Lectures of Botany, Robert Graham, M.D.” Papers include typescript biographical sketches, typescript copy of Graham’s appointment as Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow by George III (Aug. 1818) and ms. and typescript copy of Graham’s appointment as Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh by George IV (March 1820), testimonial letters supporting Graham’s appointment, and a reprint letter to Patrick Neill, Secretary to the Caledonian Horticultural Society, from Andrew Duncan, on the controversy about the location for a new botanical garden at Edinburgh, May 1820. Subjects of correspondence include the disposal of Dr Graham’s papers and discussions of botanical matters. Correspondents include J.H. Balfour, William Brand, Robert Brown, Sir Joseph Banks, Mrs. Graham, A. Menzies, and Sir James Smith.

listing by M.R.

Name access points:
George Husband Baird
John Hutton Balfour
Sir Joseph Banks
William Brand
Robert Brown
William Hunter Campbell
Augustin de Candolle
Charles Darwin
Andrew Duncan
James Dunsmure
Henri Dutrochet
Francis Hamilton
W. J. Hooker
Joseph Knight
Lord Melville
A. Menzies
Patrick Neill
Achille Richard
Plinian Society
Sir James Smith
Kurt Sprengel
Thomas Thomson

Graham, Professor Robert

Prof. Alexander Dickson papers (Regius Keeper, 1880-1887)

•1 box of miscellaneous papers
•1 box of miscellaneous correspondence and lecture notes
Correspondence from Archibald Dickson (brother of Prof. Alexander Dickson, Regius Keeper 1880-87) re: his late brother's affairs dated 1889 filed with "Balfour, I Bayley" corresp. under "Dickson, Archibald".

Temporary numbering and descriptions courtesy of Marcia Rodriguez:
Box 1 of 2
• GB235 DPA/1 Papers, correspondence, drawings, and reprints. Coloured [crayon?] botanical drawings (leaf forms, sections, cellular details, etc.) by W.M.C.(?) with ms. captions (6 booklets, 14 loose sheets), summer 1885; “Histological Demonstration Drawings /Prof Dicksons Practical Class, summer 1885,” by W. E. Fothergill (?), watercolour drawings with ms. captions, 25 pp., 1885; 1 photograph copy of drawing, mounted on cardboard; typescript and ms. correspondence and papers, including a ms. extract from an address by Dickson to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh on the necessity of vaccination, 1 p., 1881; ms. questions for botany exam, 1 p., June 1880; typescript obituary, 12 pp., 1889, published in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh XVII, 1886–1889; typescript obituaries, 5 pp.; ms. (2 pp.) and typescript (1 p.) copy of letter from Victoria R appointing Alexander Dickson Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh, 1880; copies of correspondence from William Wright Smith to Dr Cairns, 3 pp., 1946 (originals in “Smith, W. W.” correspondence); reprints of articles by Dickson: “On Abnormal Cones of Pinus Pinaster, Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh XXVI, 1871; “On Septa Across the Ducts in Bougainvillea glabra and Testudinaria elephantipes, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh XIV, 1882; typescript abstracts of yearly payments, Royal Botanic Garden and Royal Arboretum, , 2 pp., 1879–1888 and 1881–1888.
• GB235 DPA/2 Articles by Dickson published in Trans Bot. Soc., 1861–1866; reprints, including “On the Development of the Flower of Pinguicula Vulgaris, L.,” Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh XXV, 1869, and address by Dickson to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh in 1881,”On Some of the Relations of the Present State of the Law to Medical Science and to Public Health,” Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1882; “Syllabus of Lectures on Botany,” by Professor Dickson, University of Glasgow, 1869, 1872, 1876; “Inaugural Address, On Functional Specialisation of Individuals in Animals and Plants,” by Alexander Dickson, 1879; “Syllabus of Lectures on Botany,” by Professor Dickson, University of Edinburgh, 1880, 1882 (3 copies).

Box 2 of 2
• GB235 DPA/3 2 bound journals: ms. student notes on Dickson’s lectures.
• GB235 DPA/4 Ms. notes for the arrangement of a collection of histological specimens supplied by Dickson for the Practical Class in Botany, University of Edinburgh, summer 1885, 2 pp.; unbound notebook, “Insectivorous Plants,” drawings with ms. captions, 25 pp.; unbound notebook, botanical drawings, pencil, 15 pp., misc. ms. correspondence on botanical subjects, 1881–1887; ms. list of specimens collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger by Dr A. Crosbie, R.N. and presented by [?] Evans, 1 p.

Name access points:
Dr. [Murray?] Cairns
W. E. Fothergill
William Wright Smith

Dickson, Professor Alexander

Prof. Harold R. Fletcher papers (Regius Keeper, 1956 -1970)

•H.R. Fletcher’s Taxonomic Lecture Notes
•1 box of miscellaneous papers, including notes, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, etc. regarding ‘A Quest of Flowers’ – Ludlow and Sherriff, miscellaneous information on National Trust Gardens and Island Cruises (where Fletcher was on board as a Botany expert) – 1963-1966, and manuscripts of ‘History of Investigation of British Flora,’ and ‘The Exploration of the Scottish Flora’, published in 1959.
•Correspondence regarding Fletcher’s election as a member of the Garden Society in1955, including an historical note.
•3 boxes of Fletcher correspondence form 1963 organised alphabetically
•2 boxes of Fletcher correspondence from 1965 organised alphabetically
•2 boxes of Fletcher correspondence form 1966 organised alphabetically
•2 boxes of Fletcher correspondence from 1967 organised alphabetically
•2 boxes of Fletcher correspondence from 1968 organised alphabetically
•4 boxes of Fletcher correspondence with various people in the U.S.A. organised chronologically from 1961-1965.
•1 box of miscellaneous papers, taxonomy notes and correspondence
•1 file of Fletcher correspondence from 1962-1963 regarding donations to B.L. Burtt and Woods expedition to Malaysia
•1 file containing 2 photographs, miscellaneous correspondence, lists, publications, his application for the post of Office of Director of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens at Wisely, Surrey and his application for the appointment of Director of the Cambridge Botanic Garden (1950).
•1 box of 11 photographs taken by the Scottish Daily Express
•1 box of miscellaneous correspondence 1957-61

Fletcher, Harold Roy

Prof. John Hutton Balfour papers (Regius Keeper, 1845-1879)

• 6 boxes of miscellaneous papers and lectures
• 1 box containing a map of a garden in Paris, marked property of ‘Dr. Balfour 1859’.
• J.H. Balfour, ‘The Botanist’s Companion’, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black (1860)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Manual of Botany’, London, John Joseph Griffin & Co. (1849)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Manual of Botany’, Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged, London and Glasgow, Richard Griffin and Company, (1855)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Manual of Botany’, New Edition Revised by the Author, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black , (1860)
• Two copies of J.H. Balfour, ‘Manual of Botany’, Fifth Edition, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black , (1875)
• J.H Balfour ‘Outlines of Botany’, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (MDCCCLIV.)
• J.H Balfour ‘Outlines of Botany’, Second Edition, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (1862)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘First Book of Botany’, London and Glasgow, William Collins and Sons, & Co., Limited.
• J.H. Balfour, ‘First Book of Botany’, London and Glasgow, William Collins, Sons, & Company, (1873)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘First Book of Botany’, London and Glasgow, William Collins, Sons, & Company, (1874)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Second Book of Botany: Systematic Botany’, London and Glasgow, William Collins, Sons, & Company, (1873)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Elements of Botany’, Third Edition, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (1876)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Elements of Botany’, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (1869)
• Balfour Botany, Encl. Brit., 7th Edition, 1842, Vol. V
• Balfour Botany, Encl. Brit., 8th Edition, 1854, Vol. V
• Balfour Botany, Encl. Brit., 9th Edition, 1876 Vol. IV
• 1 box of personal and miscellaneous photographs and papers
• 1 box of miscellaneous papers regarding Botanic Society proceedings and lecture notices.
• 1 box of miscellaneous papers, reprints and lecture outlines
• 1 box of miscellaneous papers and publications
• 1 box of miscellaneous papers, catalogues and excursion records
• 4 boxes of correspondence and papers
• Collection of 26 letters by scientists, engineers, lawyers and other correspondents addressed to Professor Balfour on academic papers and Royal Society of Edinburgh matters.
• Bound volumes of J. H. Balfour’s correspondence, Vol. I to Vol.XII, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Library
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Balfour’s Class Book of Botany: Part I. Structural and Morphological Botany’, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (MDCCCLIX.)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Balfour’s Class Book of Botany: Part II. Physiology and Classification’, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (MDCCCLV.)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Class Book of Botany’, Third Edition, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (1871)
• J.H. Balfour, ‘Botany and Religion’ Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, (MDCCCLIX.)
• J.H. Balfour’s microscope
• J.H. Balfour: Ephemera –box containing lecture notices, hand bills, news paper clippings and syllabuses of lecture courses, given by Dame Agnes Boyd Balfour (widow of Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour to Professor William Wright Smith in June 1926).
• Folder containing drawings and artwork.

Balfour, Professor John Hutton

Results 1 to 10 of 14