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              1 Descrição arquivística resultados para Microscopy

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              John Anthony collection
              GB 235 ANT · Coleção · 1910 - 1972

              GB 235 ANT/1 - photo album including photographs of John Anthony and his family, Edinburgh views and photos relating to World War One, including the Edinburgh University Officers Training Corps at Peebles in 1915 showing Cadets Brown, Purves, Mills, Anthony, Smith, Hatton and Wallinck; Anthony with the Royal Welch Fusiliers in Oswestry and Llangollen (Anthony, Evans, Edwards, Gavin, Richards and Mitford) and Capt J Anthony M.C. and Capt J.H. Dick M.C. on the Somme in 1916.
              GB 235 ANT/2 - Transcripts of 'The Identification of British Trees, Shrubs and Under Shrubs by means of the Microscopic Structure of their Wood', including photographs - 2 copies, loose sheets.
              GB 235 ANT/3 - Original Manuscript for Flora of Sutherland, c.1970 - comparison with the published version shows the extent of J.B. Kenworthy's editing, as described in his introduction (right click, open link in new tab): http://www.botanical-society-scotland.org.uk/John_Anthonys_Flora_of_Sutherland

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