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1 Archival description results for Lichens

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Collection of items relating to Lichen Dyes including a pattern book of Dyeing Properties of some Scottish Lichens by T.S. Patterson

  • GB 235 LCH
  • Collection
  • 1854 - 1998

1 box containing book of lichen dyed samples and list 'Native Plants used as Dyes in Tweed Making'

  • file: 'The Dyeing Properties of some Scottish Lichens and of a few other materials' Pattern Book by T.S. Patterson D.Sc. Ph.D University of Glasgow
  • report: Report on the Frequency of Occurrence of Dye-Producing Lichens in Scotland by Edward Stewart. M.A., B.Sc. Fellow of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh.
  • list: Native Plants used as Dyes in Tweed Making, includes extracts from papers describing experiments on the dyeing property of lichens by W. Lauder Lindsay, M.D., Assistant Physician, Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, 1854-1855, and list of lichens which yield dyes based on Les Lichens Utiles by F. Henneguy, Paris, 1883, and Further list of Highland Native Dyes from Occasional Papers by R.C. Maclagan pp. n.d. Paper on 'Highland Dyeing' read before Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 1898 [various versions of these lists - will need sorting before proper listing and cataloguing]
  • report: 'Notes on Occurrence and Distribution in Scotland of Dye-Producing Lichens, Supplementary to report on Occurrence of Lecanora tartarea Ach. by E.J.A. Stewart, M.A., B.Sc.
  • report: 'The Dyeing Properties of some Scottish Lichens and of a few other materials' by T.S. Paterson, D.Sc. Ph.D., University of Glasgow
  • documentation showing that Brian Coppins bought this batch of material from an Antiquarian Booksellers in 1998.

Patterson, T.S.