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6 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Castle Menzies garden and farm papers
Castle Menzies garden and farm papers
Falconer, David
Falconer, David
Menzies, Archibald
Menzies, Archibald
Regulations of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India; with a list of members and a short account of its establishment and operations.
Regulations of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India; with a list of members and a short account of its establishment and operations.
Maughan, Robert
Maughan, Robert
Memoir of Dr Thomas Charles Hope, Late Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh by Thomas Stewart Traill
Memoir of Dr Thomas Charles Hope, Late Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh by Thomas Stewart Traill
Dunsmure, Dr. James
Dunsmure, Dr. James
Thomas McNab letters
Thomas McNab letters
Monograph on Figs
Monograph on Figs
Robertson, John
Robertson, John
Results 41 to 50 of 464