Forman, Adam (1916 corres.)
•Papers and Correspondence re: Sphagnum Moss – Use as medical dressings (1st World War & 2nd World War references) - inc. W Wright Smith’s report to R.A.M.C. (War Dept.) dated 1916 are filed under “Sphagnum Moss as medical dressings” – index “S”
GB 235 FOAtemp
GB 235 LCJ
•Papers & correspondence re; Sphagnum Moss – use as medical dressing, (1st & 2nd World War references) – including W. Wright Smith’s report to R.A.M.C. (War Dept.) dated 1916 are filed under “Sphagnum Moss as medical dressings” – index “S”
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GB 235 FOA
1916 - 1918
The collection comprises photographs and reports related to the gathering and preparation of Sphagnum moss, in and around the Moffat/Beattock area, S.W. Scotland, which was used as a medical dressing for wounds during the First World War.
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