- GB 235 HEE
- Item
- 1809 - 1883
•Paper ‘On the Fossil Plants Discovered by Dr. Lyall in Greenland’, Zurich, 1st of May 1862
Heer, Oswald
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6 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
•Paper ‘On the Fossil Plants Discovered by Dr. Lyall in Greenland’, Zurich, 1st of May 1862
Heer, Oswald
3 misc. items with references to: Charles Robert Darwin
Darwin, Charles Robert
Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society
•Menu and invitation to the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society Bicentenary celebrations (2009)
Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society
•Envelope containing historical data on Paterson, including copies of newspaper articles, from Ian S. Taylor by favour of George Storrar (February 1979), mostly relating to the creation of “Paterson’s Victoria White Seedling Potato’
Paterson, William
•File containing a copy of a transcript of a letter from Neill to Sir J.E. Smith (15 Feb.1811)
Neil, Patrick (Biog. Index; p.126: Index p.113)
1.Copy of letter to Mr. Winch dated 12 May 1828 – filed under “Winch, N.J.”
2.Copy of letters to J.E. Smith in “Don, George” under “Mackay, John” correspondence
Neill, Patrick
•Two boxes of papers, relating to Glasgow Botanic Garden covering the period 1817-83
Glasgow Botanic Gardens
References relating to Joseph Dalton Hooker
•Printed Memoir of Dr. Thomas Charles Hope
•Extract from the Caledonian Mercury of 27th October 1845 article by J.D. Hooker (+ photocopy)
•Copy of extract from Linnaean Society of London, General Meeting, dated 21st December 1911
Hooker, Jos. D / J. Hutton Balfour
•Letters, dated 1842, 1876 & 1880 and copy letters dated 1855 -1880 from Jos. D Hooker, to J. Hutton Balfour, are filed with “J. Hutton Balfour” papers under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D / I. Bayley Balfour
•Copy letters between 31 July 1901 and 23 April 1902 from I.B.B. to J.D.H. , are filed with “I. Bayley Balfour” corres. under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D:
i. Letters to to Dr. Thos. Anderson 1860 – 1868 in 2 vols. filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” (110 letters) – Box 1
ii. Letters from W.J. Harvey (Dublin), dated 2 June 1860, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), re;Nuttall’s Herbarium – item 182 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iii. Letter from A. Henry, dated 22 Oct 1861, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), - item 115 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iv. Corres. With Sir Geo Watt filed with “Watt, Sir Geo” papers - Box.
v. 4 letters, dated 1871 – 1875 filed with “Henderson, Col. Frederick” papers –Box
vi. Letters between 1871 & 1880 to J.H. Balfour filed with “Balfour, J.H”, Supp. corres. “H”
vii. Letters, 1901 – 1903 from I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
viii. Letters, dated 1886 & 1904 – 1909 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
ix. Letter to Hooker, dated 1st of September 1902 from Richard T. Baker, (The Technological Museum, Sydney), re; copy of a work on Eucalypts presented to Director Kew, filed alphabetically in main index under “Baker, Richard T.”
x. Printed Botany Examination Papers (2), dated 9th August 1854 & 1858, set by J.D. Hooker, filed under “Hooker, Jos. D” in general index.
xi. Letters, dated 1880 – 1902 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- Separate folder.
xii. Letter to Dr. Jos. D. Hooker, dated 1st May 1862, “On the Fossil Plants Discovered by Dr. Lyall in Greenland” from by Oswald Heer (Zurich).- in Hooker, J.D. folder
• letter from Joseph D Hooker to Charles Ransford, May 29th 1846, found in cuttings collection, now in Hooker, J.D. folder (15/03/2016)
Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
•List of plants collected in Vancouver Island, 1858-61, and adjacent U.S. Territory filed in “L” (Box 2)
Lyall, David
List of books from John Ball's Botanical Library
•List of books from J. Ball’s Botanical Library, presented by the Trustees (printed list).
Ball, John
•Letter dated 29 Mar 1877 to Capt. Henderson, filed with papers under “Henderson, F”
Mitten, William