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Map of the Upper Salween used in George Forrest's article in the Geographical Journal, 1908

one map used in Forrest's article describing the geography and people of the Upper Salween during his visit there with Consul George Litton in late 1905. The article was published by the Royal Geographical Society in 1908 with this accompanying map, and again by the National Geographical Society in 1910.

Royal Geographical Society

Fraser, Capt. L.D

  • GB 235 FLD
  • Item
  • 1901

•Capt. L.D. Fraser. ‘Military Report of Yun-Nan: Part III, Route Book’, Calcutta,1901. (Belonged to George Forrest so was stored with Forrest collection, but is now housed in the Rare Book Room)

Fraser, Capt. L.D.

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock Volume 10 [11 on spine]

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock Volume 10 [11 on spine]; Konka-ling to Li-chiang, 1928 entitled 'My journey to Mt Konka (Konkaling) from Muli, S.W. Szechuan. Diary of Joseph F. Rock, Sunday June 18th 1928 to October 24th 1928. Vol.X.'

Rock, Joseph Francis Charles

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock Volume 14 [15 on spine]; Nyorop’u to Nv-lv-k’o Lu-feng

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock Volume 14 [15 on spine]; Nyorop’u to Nv-lv-k’o Lu-feng, 1929-1930 entitled 'Diary of Joseph F. Rock, Volume XIV, from September 1st 1929 to January 31st 1930.'
The diary contains a map drawn inside, extensive notes and loose notes on Naxi pictograms (inserted between pp. 188 and 189) and a photograph of Rock with Chinese and Western gentlemen.

Rock, Joseph Francis Charles

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock Volume 16

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock Volume 16; Yunnanfu to Lichiang A-ts’an-gko, 1931 entitled 'Diary of Joseph F. Rock, Vol. XVI, from January 1st 1931 to May 1st 1931'
The diary contains a pressed flower and a loose photograph of Joseph Rock taken by Edgar Snow in 1930.
There are maps drawn on some of the pages.
The diary contains information about Naxi pictograms.

Rock, Joseph Francis Charles

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock

Diary of Joseph F.C. Rock; Yunnanfu to Lichiang; January 13th 1935 to January 1st 1937
Also includes:

  • June 14th 1951
  • New Year 1953-1954
  • January 30th 1954
  • Sept 6th 1954
  • New Year 1958-1959, including January 13th 1959
  • January 13th 1962.

Includes loose air ticket and newspaper article and pasted in photographs of Rock including some with the plane on the Lijiang plain in 1936 (pp153-159) and others of ‘Viennese guests’ Herr Max Reisch and Herr Helmuth Hahmann (pp174-175).
There are some views drawn into the diary including more detailed sketches of Amichou (p22) and Chapa (p34). Also a description and brief sketch of the skull of Homo Sinanthropus or ‘Peking Man’ (pp103-104), refers to Professor Weidenreich.

Rock, Joseph Francis Charles

Incomplete letter from George Forrest, Mission Apostolique, Tsekou, to Clementina Traill

Incomplete letter from George Forrest, Mission Apostolique, Tsekou, to Clementina Traill dated 28 April 1905.
The letter is incomplete, comprising 16 complete pages and fragments of pages 17 and 19. Forrest describes his journey from Talifu [Dali] to Tsekou [Cigu], going north by Chien Chuan; overnight camp in temple and first row with Chinese; loss of mule in gully and refusal of muleteers to go on; rescue by party of Lissoos who helped Forrest continue ascent through deep snow. Arrival at Wei Hsi; meeting with Pere Bourdonnec of the Mission Apostolique in Tibet and startling news of revolt amongst the lamas in the north; Tsekou mission in danger and consul Litton on his way with troops to defend it; murder of missionaries and Christian natives at Atunze and Batang; Forrest advised to remain at Wei Hsi but continued to Tsekou which he found practically in a state of siege. ‘All this is a bit of a nuisance as I cannot go far away from the place and therefore cannot do much collecting. Fortunately there isn’t much to be done at present – at least in the seed line, and, although during my journey from Tali I collected specimens of over 100 species, yet these were only flowering in the lower parts of the valleys. Here very few flowers are in bloom now, the mountains being still heavily coated with snow.’
Plants referenced: Pine (passim)

Forrest, George