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Patrick Neill’s copy of George Don’s “A Catalogue of a few of the Rarest and Latest Introduced Plants, cultivated for sale at Don’s Botanic Garden and Nursery, Forfar”, 1813.

'A Catalogue of a few of the Rarest and Latest Introduced Plants, cultivated for sale at Don's Botanic Garden and Nursery, Forfar', by G. Don; late curator of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Honorary [Corresponding] Member of the Linnaean Society, London; and late President of the Rational Institute of Dundee.
Catalogue includes greenhouse plants, shrubs and herbaceous plants, is 17 pages longs and contains the following quote from Don at the end: “this catalogue contains but a small proportion of my Herbaceous Collection; which is equaled by few in Britain, and surpassed by none perhaps but the Cambridge one. I have also upwards of three hundred species of Grasses.”
Front cover slightly annotated by former owner Patrick Neill.

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Ida M. Hayward Collection - Scrapbook

Red Leather bound scrapbook compiled by Ida M. Hayward and containing a photograph of Ida Hayward with her dog Logie; poem to Logie regarding their search for alien plants; newspaper cuttings; order forms for Hayward and Druce's "The Adventive Flora of the Tweed"; letters of thanks and receipts from those receiving a copy of the Flora; book reviews; photograph of beetles extracted from wool at Galashiels; and some loose letters.

Hayward, Ida Margaret

Letter from George Forrest, Talifu, to Isaac Bayley Balfour

Letter from George Forrest, Talifu [Dali], to Isaac Bayley Balfour, RBGE, dated 08 November 1904, in which Forrest confirms the despatch of 380 plant specimens collected on his recent journey to Tzekou [Cigu]. Next trip will be to the north of the Lichiang [Lijiang] valley, working the range of mountains which cause the Yangtze bend and along the base of an immense glacier on the eastern slope of the Lichiang peak. If this proves unproductive he will go on again to the Chung Tien plateau which he and Litton were the first Europeans to visit. Believes the range forming the Mekong and Salween divide to be exceptionally rich in rhododendrons, azaleas, gentians, primulas and a five foot tall lilium with immense white bloom marked in red and highly perfumed. Specimens have been collected by the missionary fathers at Tzekou who will send bulbs to Balfour and Bulley via consul Litton. Describes journey north into Tibet with Litton, leaving Talifu [Dali] on 29 August, returning 53 days later, having covered around 1000 miles. On being mobbed at the horse fair at Sung Kwei they had to draw their revolvers in defence but had some horses and mules stolen. Gives details of their route to and from Tibet, describing plants and vegetation and a river crossing by sling bridge, illustrated by a sketch. Has felt depressed since returning to Tali, probably a reaction to so much travel and constant exposure to wet conditions and extremes of heat and cold. Regrets that all his photographs were spoiled by dampness and intends to ask Bulley for a supply of photographic plates. Confirms that there is a pine belt in Yunnan and part of Tibet, generally starting at about 9,500 feet and continuing to about 15,000 feet.

Letter from George Forrest, Talifu, to Isaac Bayley Balfour

Letter from George Forrest, Talifu [Dali], Yunnan, to Isaac Bayley Balfour, RBGE, dated 28 October 1904, in which he states he has been to Tzekou [Tsekou; Cigu] in Tibet, on the Mekong; gives itinerary of journey and details of seeds collected, about 100 species, including primulas, three species of androsace but only one gentian. Consignment has gone to Mr Bulley and also 150 or 200 specimens to Prof Balfour. Asks him not to tell Bulley about the specimens which ‘I am collecting for my own pleasure and in my spare time and they are a free gift to you.’

Copy letter from Isaac Bayley Balfour to George Forrest, Tali-fu

Copy letter from Isaac Bayley Balfour, RBGE, to George Forrest, Tali-fu [Dali], dated 12 September 1904, in which Balfour thanks Forrest for his Bhamo letter and hopes there will be no trouble in the districts he is going to visit; offers to send paper for drying plants. Hopes to obtain a new Herbarium building this year.

Letter from George Forrest, Sung Kwei, to Isaac Bayley Balfour

Letter from George Forrest, Sung Kwei, Yunnan, to Isaac Bayley Balfour, RBGE, dated 06 September 1904, in which Forrest describes the difficult journey from Bhamo to Teng Yueh [Tengchong], owing to atrocious weather; hospitable reception by Mr Litton, the consul. Travelled to Tali [Dali] with Mr Litton but has not yet found the plants required by Mr Bulley. Continuing to Tseku [Cigu] on the borders of Tibet where mountains are higher. Describes primula, saxifrage and gentian, some of the specimens already collected but regrets the loss of others owing to mildew. Promises to send a copy of his journal and do all in his power to add to the Herbarium collection.

Letter from George Forrest, Bhamo, Myanmar, to Isaac Bayley Balfour

Letter from George Forrest, the 'Dak Bungalow', Bhamo, Upper Burmah [Myanmar], to Isaac Bayley Balfour, RBGE, dated 5 July 1904, in which Forrest gives an account of his journey from Rangoon to Mandalay by train and thence by river to Bhamo; he describes hibiscus in Rangoon and plants and vegetation growing along the river banks; preparations for journey to Teng Yueh [Tengchong] and Talifu [Dali]; difficulties in obtaining mules and interpreter; cholera in villages; intends to make a plant collection in his spare time which ‘shall be placed at your disposal on my arrival home’.

Letter from George Forrest en route to Mumbai, to Isaac Bayley Balfour

Letter from George Forrest to Isaac Bayley Balfour,RBGE, undated, but received in June 1904. The letter was written on route to Mumbai on the S.S. Australia. Forrest writes to let Balfour know that he has met a steward on board who was a collector and has a man in Australia collecting plants for him; Forrest requested that he makes a collection for Balfour and the Edinburgh Herbarium.

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