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Ash Dieback Disease - Chalara Fraxinea

  • GB 235 ASD
  • Reeks
  • 2012

Personal communication between Roger West and Ian Murray M.P. regarding outbreak of Ash Dieback Disease, Chalara fraxinea - includes Parliamentary question and small report.

Zonder titel

Baber, Edward Colborne

  • GB 235 BEC
  • Bestanddeel
  • 1843 - 1890

E. Colborne Baber ‘Royal Geographical Society Supplementary Papers Vol. I. Part 1: Travels and Researches in Western China’ London, 1882

Zonder titel

Balfour Family information

  • GB 235 BFI
  • Collectie
  • 1853 - 1980

•Various copies of Isaac Bayley Balfour’s Family Tree
•Copy of the Balfour family photo album
•1 box of miscellaneous papers regarding the Balfour family tree

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Bertha Chandler notebooks and thesis

  • GB 235 CHB
  • Bestanddeel
  • 1905 - 1915
  • Bertha Chandler's thesis, 1913, "The Theory and Practice of Vegetative Propagation in the Flowering Plants", illustrated by Bertha's drawings and photographs, and photographs by Robert Moyes Adam.
  • 4 notebooks; Botany, May 1905 - Bertha's University of Edinburgh lecture notes; Practical Botany sketch book, Winter 1907-08, drawings and notes; Hardy Shrubs, drawings, notes and literature references, plus numerous enclosure, including partial notes for a talk on plant luminescence; and 'Where is it?' - an indexed book containing an alphabetical list of plants experimented with for Callus formation and Propagation with numerical list at end of book.
  • Reprint - Utricularia emarginata by Chandler, Annals of Botany, vol. XXIV, No., XCV, July 1910, owned by Chandler.
  • 7 copies of Chandler's biography for the RBGE Guild journal.

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Blacklock letter relating to Francis Buchanan Hamilton's herbarium

  • GB 235 HAM
  • Stuk
  • 1830

1 letter, dated 8th November 1830, regarding the donation of a chest of dried plants, the herbarium collection of Dr. Francis Buchanan Hamilton, to the University of Edinburgh, a duplicate set having been given to the East India Company, written by William Blacklock, directed by Hamilton's Trustees, to Prof. Robert Graham.

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Botanical Society of [Edinburgh] Scotland Archives

  • GB 235 BSS
  • Collectie
  • 1836 - 2014

Minute Books, Transactions and boxes containing exchange lists, correspondence regarding transactions, invoices and cheque books.
BSS/1 - Society Laws, Annual Reports and Lists of Members
BSS/2 - Botanical Society Minute Books
BSS/3 - Council Minutes inc. Agendas, Annual Reports, etc.
BSS/4 - Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh
BSS/5 - Transactions Administration / Exchange Lists
BSS/6 - Secretary's Papers inc. questionnaire results and name change referenda
BSS/7 - Treasurer's Papers
BSS/8 - Programme Correspondence inc. Symposia and Projects
BSS/9 - Publications
BSS/10 - Botanical Society Club
BSS/11 - Centenary / Celebrations
BSS/12 - Ephemera

Zonder titel

Botanical Society of the British Isles Threatened Plants Project (2008-2012)

  • GB 235 TPP
  • Collectie
  • 2008 - 2012

1 box of admin/correspondence/corrections - including a copy of BSBI News 137, Jan 2018 with article on the project by K.J. Walker, P.A. Stroh and R.W. Ellis;
and 8 boxes of Recording Sheets arranged alphabetically by plant name as follows:
Alchemilla wichurae (2012)
Anacamptis (Orchis) morio (2012)
Astragulus danicus (2008)
Baldellia ranunculoides (2011)
Blysmus compressus (2008)
Bupleurium tenuissisimum (2012)
Campanula patula (2008)
Carex ericetorum (2009)
Cephalanthera longifolia (2009)
Chrysanthemum segetum (2010)
Cicendia filiformis (2011)
Coeloglossum viride (2009)
Crepis mollis (2008)
Cuscuta epithymum (2011)
Dianthus deltoides (2009)
Fallopia dumetorum (2009)
Fumaria parviflora (2012)
Galium pumilum (2011)
Gentianella campestris (2008)
Gnaphalium sylvaticum (2009)
Groenlandia densa (2009)
Herminum monorchis (2010)
Hordeum marinum (2010)
Hypochaeris glabra (2012)
Juncus compressus (2011)
Juniperus communis (2010)
Melampyrum cristatum (2009)
Melittis melisophyllum (2010)
Meum athamanticum (2010)
Monotropa hypopitys (2008)
Oenanthe fistulosa (2009)
Ophrys insectifera (2008)
Orchis anthropophora (2012)
Orchis morio see Anacamptis
Orchis ustulata (2011)
Persicaria minor (2011)
Polystichum lonchitis (2010)
Pseudorchis albida (2011)
Pyrola media (2008)
Ranunculus arvensis (2012)
Scleranthus annuus (2008)
Sedum villosum (2011)
Sibbaldia procumbens (2010)
Silene conica (2011)
Sium latifolium (2010)
Stellaria palustris (2008)
Tephroseris integrifolia (2012)
Torilis arvensis (2011)
Vicia orobus (2009)
Vicia parviflora (2012)
Viola lactaea (2010)
For more information, (right click, open link in new tab)

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Botany Dept, Museum of Natural History, Paris, France

  • GB 235 FRA
  • Bestanddeel
  • 1912 - 1913

France (Museum of Natural History, Botany, Paris)
Correspondence dated 1912 – 1913 on Primula filed with subject material under “Primula” (Box 1) in Main index

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