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6 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

George Paxton Photographic Collection
George Paxton Photographic Collection
Scottish Rock Garden Club Archives
Scottish Rock Garden Club Archives
Dr Thomas Anderson correspondence and papers
Dr Thomas Anderson correspondence and papers
John Anthony collection
John Anthony collection
Correspondence regarding the membership of the Natural History Society and other references
Correspondence regarding the membership of the Natural History Society and other references
‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
Memorial to Dr. Leonard Cockayne, C.M.G., F.R.S. by the Royal Society of New Zealand
Memorial to Dr. Leonard Cockayne, C.M.G., F.R.S. by the Royal Society of New Zealand
Collins, Ernest Jacob (1878-1939)
Collins, Ernest Jacob (1878-1939)
Cousens, John E. and Cousens, Malcolm, Douglas
Cousens, John E. and Cousens, Malcolm, Douglas
Cryptogamic Society of Scotland (incorporated into the Botanical Society of Edinburgh in 1935)
Cryptogamic Society of Scotland (incorporated into the Botanical Society of Edinburgh in 1935)
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 465