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Description archivistique
Knox Finlay Family
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Mrs Knox-Finlay Meconopsis Lantern Slides

  • GB 235 KNX
  • Collection
  • 1938 - 1987

8 glass lantern slides showing images of Meconopsis taken by Mrs Knox-Finlay at Keillour Lake, Keillour Castle:
Meconopsis x musgravei
Meconopsis sherriff 600
Meconopsis grandis 600
Meconopsis grandis (true)
Meconopsis coxiana
Meconopsis betonicifolia praetensis
Meconopsis beamishii

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Ludlow and Sherriff; Keillour Garden register

This garden register has come from the Knox-Finlays at Keillour. It contains lists of information relating to the plants/seeds received and subsequently grown from the expeditions of: Ludlow and Sherriff - Bhutan; Lowndes - Nepal; Tilman - Nepal. Interleaved towards the back pages is an extensive list titled: Sherriff Seed Collection 1928.

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