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Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)
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3 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Walking with Poets
Walking with Poets
Reginald Farrer - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh archives
Reginald Farrer - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh archives
University of Edinburgh Botany Class Lists, Indices and Registers
University of Edinburgh Botany Class Lists, Indices and Registers
Plant Hunter, the Tibetan Journeys of Joseph Rock programme
Plant Hunter, the Tibetan Journeys of Joseph Rock programme
Emails, proofs and photographs relating to new signage at Dawyck Botanic Garden
Emails, proofs and photographs relating to new signage at Dawyck Botanic Garden
Reginald Farrer - correspondence with Isaac Bayley Balfour et al, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh correspondence
Reginald Farrer - correspondence with Isaac Bayley Balfour et al, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh correspondence
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, no. XII and XIII
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, no. XII and XIII
Records relating to the University Botany Courses held at RBGE.
Records relating to the University Botany Courses held at RBGE.
Proof text, maps and disc relating to interpretation panels and leaflets for the Cryptogamic Sanctuary at Dawyck
Proof text, maps and disc relating to interpretation panels and leaflets for the Cryptogamic Sanctuary at Dawyck
Rhododendron protistum section and related items
Rhododendron protistum section and related items
Resultados 1 a 10 de 44