Quarterly report printed on both sides, 5 pages.
Instituted at Bombay 1830 for the encouragement and improvement of agriculture and horticulture in W. India. Formation of a garden for experimental purposes; the supply of plants and seeds to members; Imports of same; branch outstations to be formed with the help of locals. Meetings quarterly. List of members.
Correspondence regarding the membership of the Natural History Society and other references. Bolton, James (fl. 1750s-1799)
Sin título3 Oak survey notebooks relating to oak specimens collected by J.Cousens in the 1960s which are now in the Herbarium
Sin título•Letter regarding being elected an honorary member of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh (October 7, 1837)
Sin títuloMonograph; letter dated 10th June 1908 at Aviemore, from R Ellis to Prof Chieni regarding 'Mr Neill's papers'. The correspondence seems to relate to Prof. Balfour's attempt to collect all papers related to former Regius Keepers at RBGE
Sin título•1 letter dated December 20, 1837
Sin título• Original transcript of George Gardner's "Brazilian plants, 1836-41". 3 copies of transcription made, 2 for J. A. Ratter (donor) & 1 to be bound for Library shelves RBGEA2006.08
Sin título•Photocopy of Letter from W.J. Hooker, dated 18th of September 1825 addressed to Dr. Gillies when he was residing at Mendoza (1833 – 1838)
Sin título•Helen Graham, James Irvine (ed.)‘Parties and Pleasure: The Diaries of Helen Graham, 1823-26’, Munro Press, Perth, 1957
Sin títuloCorrespondence with I Bayley Balfour 1892 -1907 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Hemsley, W.B.”
• Letter dated 21st Feb 1867 to Dr. Thos. Anderson – item 111 in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” – Box 2