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Plant labels found by members of the RBGE Horticulture Department and transferred to the Archives: 1: Magnolia acuminata, United States - found to the east of the copse, RBGE; a label intended to hang from the tree, this type of label had the impressed letters painted white by hand, then the entire label was hand painted black - would have been surrounded by a metal holder which has since decomposed - probably dates to around 1940? 2: Ilex laevigata; a temporary label found during excavations for the new Alpine House, 2012 - small label attached to wire which would have been pushed into the ground - probably dates to c.1960? 3: Viburnum dilatatum, c.1960? - temporary label from new Alpine House area. 4: Viburnum farreri - 'layers' - found in Nursery, troughs area - used when 'layering' viburnum - obtaining shoots from roots or branches. 5: Alpinia calcarata 6: Rhododendron hodgsonii 7: LA47
1 album containing ephemera to do with the Balfour professors; John Hutton Balfour, Isaac Bayley Balfour and John Cleland, plus other papers of interest.
The medal is a silver Royal Horticultural Societ Joseph Banks medal and is inscribed 1929 Junior Section General Examination in Horticulture William A Hughes First. In 1987 Hughes made contact with Roy Watling at RBGE and donated his medal - both men had been office bearers for the Botanical Society of Scotland. The medal, and eventually the certificate and all associated correspondence came to the care of M.V. Mathew in the library who placed them in the Archives.
• A catalogue of the plants gathered on the islands of North Uist, Harris and Lewis during a botanical excursion, (August, 1841). • Copy of Syllabus Botanical Lectures (1862) • Two letters to Parnell dated 1847 and 1848 • Two letters to the Botanical Society dated 1841and 1843
B.L. Burtt’s Obituary, Edinburgh Evening News, p.14, (7th of June 2008)
Two boxes of B.L Burtt’s notebooks
Three boxes containing reprints and annotated working copies of various journals and articles
in 2019 a folder of biographical information, including 3 photographs, compiled by Henry Noltie was added to the collection. It includes the obituaries and biographical articles Henry wrote, plus other obituaries, articles about Bill, and memories by him and about him.
Book of newspaper cuttings and notes relative to the H.M.S Challenger (1873-76) Box of Challenger photographs ‘The Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876: A Visual Index’ by Eileen V. Brunton, 2nd Ed, The Library, The Natural History Museum, London (2004)