- GB 235 MOR
- Collectie
- 1910 - 2003
•8 boxes of papers
•1 box of Botanical notebooks
•2 boxes of Biographical Index, divided A-J and K-Z
Zonder titel
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We welcome feedback about the language in our catalogues. While we cannot change fixed attributes connected to items in the collection (e.g. published titles, names or contents) we will always consider requests for changes to be made to other aspects of the records in our catalogues. Please contact archives@rbge.org.uk
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•8 boxes of papers
•1 box of Botanical notebooks
•2 boxes of Biographical Index, divided A-J and K-Z
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Oregon Botanical Association (1850-59)
•Box containing accounts, minutes book and miscellaneous correspondence
•Box containing circulars and miscellaneous correspondence
•Box containing letters from subscribers
•Box containing miscellaneous correspondence and plant lists by Andrew Murray
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•Box containing papers regarding South Asia
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Collecting Books of David Irvine
3 small notebooks numbered 1-3, and a letter
1:"Herb. Irvine 1"
Collecting Book 1 - Nos 1-862 1949-1965; incl. St Andrews, Bangor, Anglesey, Isle of Man, Eden Estuary, Aberystwyth, Merioneth, Pembrokeshire, Capri (Italy), Brittany (France), Galway, Mayo, Manitoba (Canada), Cape Cod (Massachusetts), Orkney and Voe (Shetland)
2:"Herb.Irvine 2"
Collecting Book 2 - Nos 863-1847 1964-1968; incl. Anglesey, Pembrokeshire, Portsmouth, Dover-Folkestone, Cramond Island, Dunbar, North Berwick, Scilly, Devon and Paignton
3:"Herb.Irvine 3"
Collecting Book 3 - Nos 1848-1940 (Misc Order) 1963-1969 inc. Firth of Forth?
4:letter from Linda M. Irvine which accompanied herbarium consignment, filed in RBGE Archives Accessions folder under RBGEEA2015/23
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Botanical Society of the British Isles Threatened Plants Project (2008-2012)
1 box of admin/correspondence/corrections - including a copy of BSBI News 137, Jan 2018 with article on the project by K.J. Walker, P.A. Stroh and R.W. Ellis;
and 8 boxes of Recording Sheets arranged alphabetically by plant name as follows:
Alchemilla wichurae (2012)
Anacamptis (Orchis) morio (2012)
Astragulus danicus (2008)
Baldellia ranunculoides (2011)
Blysmus compressus (2008)
Bupleurium tenuissisimum (2012)
Campanula patula (2008)
Carex ericetorum (2009)
Cephalanthera longifolia (2009)
Chrysanthemum segetum (2010)
Cicendia filiformis (2011)
Coeloglossum viride (2009)
Crepis mollis (2008)
Cuscuta epithymum (2011)
Dianthus deltoides (2009)
Fallopia dumetorum (2009)
Fumaria parviflora (2012)
Galium pumilum (2011)
Gentianella campestris (2008)
Gnaphalium sylvaticum (2009)
Groenlandia densa (2009)
Herminum monorchis (2010)
Hordeum marinum (2010)
Hypochaeris glabra (2012)
Juncus compressus (2011)
Juniperus communis (2010)
Melampyrum cristatum (2009)
Melittis melisophyllum (2010)
Meum athamanticum (2010)
Monotropa hypopitys (2008)
Oenanthe fistulosa (2009)
Ophrys insectifera (2008)
Orchis anthropophora (2012)
Orchis morio see Anacamptis
Orchis ustulata (2011)
Persicaria minor (2011)
Polystichum lonchitis (2010)
Pseudorchis albida (2011)
Pyrola media (2008)
Ranunculus arvensis (2012)
Scleranthus annuus (2008)
Sedum villosum (2011)
Sibbaldia procumbens (2010)
Silene conica (2011)
Sium latifolium (2010)
Stellaria palustris (2008)
Tephroseris integrifolia (2012)
Torilis arvensis (2011)
Vicia orobus (2009)
Vicia parviflora (2012)
Viola lactaea (2010)
For more information, (right click, open link in new tab) https://bsbi.org/threatened-plants-project
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A collection of items relating to George Forrest and his family comprising:
GB 235 FIA/1/1: ‘Rhododendrons and the Various Hybrids’, by J.G. Millais, 1917, No.6, signed by author and annotated by George Forrest
GB 235 FIA/1/2: ‘Rhododendrons and the Various Hybrids’, 2nd Series, by J.G. Millais, 1924, No.5
GB 235 FIA/2/1-7: 7 x ‘Marine Algae of Joppa’ by George William Traill, 1886 (inc. author’s copy(1), Phebe M. Traill(2), W.H. Traill(3), scored out name(4) and 3 unsigned books(5-7, 5 possibly Clementina Traill))
GB 235 FIA/2/8: 1 x ‘Marine Algae of Elie’, by George William Traill, reprint from the Transactions of the Botanical Society of Scotland, 1888
GB 235 FIA/2/9: 1 x ‘Marine Algae of the Orkney Islands’ by George William Traill, 1890, H.C.M.W. (Clementina) Traill’s copy
GB 235 FIA/3: 1 box of 87 microscope slides, mostly trees and shrubs, made by Dr G. Ian Forrest (G. Forrest’s grandson) between 1959 and 1960 whilst studying for his B.Sc in Botany at University College London.
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Photographs of Christmas Island, letters, and documents relating to Tait's career on Christmas Island, Henderson Island and Las Vegas, 1906-1913
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letters, documents and photographs from the arcihves left by John Jacob Lavranos, and printed copy of field notebooks
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Monty A. Faithfull's Botanical Society of Scotland Botany of the Lothians survey papers
10 folders of papers, and survey sheets relating to Monty Faithfull's survey work on Bass Rock (square 6087), Birk Cleugh Hill (square 6665) and Dunglass / Bilsdean (squares 7671 and 7672). Includes maps and was donated to RBGE in August 2022 by Monty's son John Faithfull along with Monty's herbarium specimens. Unfortunately, some of the herbarium specimens had to be destroyed as they were in a degraded state- there are scans of these amongst the papers, taken by RBGE Herbarium assistant Lesley Scott who transferred the papers to the Archives in March 2023.
References relating to William Jackson Hooker
small range of letters, photocopies of letters and references relating to William Jackson Hooker as follows:
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