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Copy of painting of the view of the Edinburgh skyline from Inverleith House lawn, c.1912 by Isaac Bayley 'Bay' Balfour, I.B. Balfour's son.

  • GB 235 BAYtemp
  • Stuk
  • 1912 - 2016

Copy of a watercolour painting of the view of the Edinburgh skyline from the garden / lawn of Inverleith House, sketched and painted by Isaac Bayley 'Bay' Balfour, Regius Keeper Isaac Bayley Balfour's son in aroun 1912. The copy was made for Peronelle Windeyer, Isaac Bayley Balfour's great-granddaughter after the original had been cleaned and conserved. The original is in possession of her brother. The annotation on the back of the original has also been copied - it was made by Agnes Balfour, Bay's mother and says 'The view from the foot of the garden at Inverleith House- sketched and painted by Bay Balfour around 1912'. Bay lost his life at Gallipoli in June 1915; (right click, open link in new tab: )

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Seller, Dr.

  • GB 235 SEL
  • Stuk
  • 2015

•Seller’s ‘Syllabus of Examinations on Medical Subjects’

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Jörgensen/Jorgensen manuscript

  • GB 235 JOR
  • Stuk
  • 2015

• One folder containing a 27 page manuscript paper titled Contribution to Natural History: Re the roots of the Bromeliaceé. Detailed examination of root behaviour in these and allied species.

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Montrose, Duchess of

  • GB 235 MDO
  • Stuk
  • 2015

Some correspondence is filed with Sir William Wright Smith papers under “Smith, Sir Wm. W” “Rhododendron Corres.”, material boxed alphabetically in these boxes

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Weale, James A.

  • GB 235 WEA
  • Stuk
  • 2015

•Catalogue of Micrographs of woods structure

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Dickson’s Ltd. letter

  • GB 235 DLD
  • Stuk
  • 2014

•monograph; 8 pencil written notes of a biographical nature (originator of letter was James Grieve) detailing his work on Violas at Dickson's Ltd.
and extract of Roy Genders ‘Pansies and Violas’

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