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19 Descripción archivística results for India

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Regulations of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India; with a list of members and a short account of its establishment and operations.

  • GB 235 AWI
  • Item
  • 1843

Quarterly report printed on both sides, 5 pages.
Instituted at Bombay 1830 for the encouragement and improvement of agriculture and horticulture in W. India. Formation of a garden for experimental purposes; the supply of plants and seeds to members; Imports of same; branch outstations to be formed with the help of locals. Meetings quarterly. List of members.

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Cowan, John MacQueen (1892-1960)

5 maps: Baghdad, Resht, Teheran, Tabriz and India and the adjacent countries.
1 box of personal and miscellaneous papers

  • includes paper on 'A Survey of the Anatomy of the Rhododendron Leaf in relation to the Taxonomy of the Genus' by S.F. Hayes, J. Keenan and J.M. Cowan : for publication in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 21 (1), 1–34.
  • 'The Rhododendrons of India' by J.M. Cowan.

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