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SABC Accounts
SABC Accounts
SABC Photo Album
SABC Photo Album
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Landowners' Co-operative Forestry Society, Ltd.; List No. 1- F.R.S. Balfour's surplus plant list from nurseries at Dawyck, 1928.
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Landowners' Co-operative Forestry Society, Ltd.; List No. 1- F.R.S. Balfour's surplus plant list from nurseries at Dawyck, 1928.
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Landowners' Co-operative Forestry Society, Ltd.; List of plants and shrubs for sale, 1927-1928
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Landowners' Co-operative Forestry Society, Ltd.; List of plants and shrubs for sale, 1927-1928
Ludlow and Sherriff; Lists of Plants and Seeds on loan from British Museum
Ludlow and Sherriff; Lists of Plants and Seeds on loan from British Museum
Ludlow and Sherriff; Copies of negatives
Ludlow and Sherriff; Copies of negatives
J.R. Anderson correspondence regarding C.C. Pemberton's photographs and notes on abnormal tree growth, Victoria, B.C. Canada
J.R. Anderson correspondence regarding C.C. Pemberton's photographs and notes on abnormal tree growth, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Correspondence from Botanical Survey of India, Poona Herbarium
Correspondence from Botanical Survey of India, Poona Herbarium
Two transcribed versions of “The Life and Labours of a Scottish Naturalist; George Don of Forfar” by John Knox
Two transcribed versions of “The Life and Labours of a Scottish Naturalist; George Don of Forfar” by John Knox
original letter from George Don, RBG Edinburgh to James Brodie of Brodie M.P. (1744-1824), with a transcription annotated by Isaac Bayley Balfour, 22.02.1805
original letter from George Don, RBG Edinburgh to James Brodie of Brodie M.P. (1744-1824), with a transcription annotated by Isaac Bayley Balfour, 22.02.1805
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