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SABC Minute Books
SABC Minute Books
J.F.C. Rock Collection: Unpublished Manuscripts
J.F.C. Rock Collection: Unpublished Manuscripts
John Hutton Balfour correspondence
John Hutton Balfour correspondence
Roland Edgar Cooper: Plant Collecting paperwork
Roland Edgar Cooper: Plant Collecting paperwork
John MacWatt related correspondence
John MacWatt related correspondence
Reginald Farrer, items relating to Craven nursery, Clapham
Reginald Farrer, items relating to Craven nursery, Clapham
Lloyd Botanic Gardens
Lloyd Botanic Gardens
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Correspondence
F.R.S. Balfour Collection: Correspondence
Farrer written material, box 1; Farrer's youth
Farrer written material, box 1; Farrer's youth
Thomas Blaikie notebooks
Thomas Blaikie notebooks
Results 1 to 10 of 101