Letter from James Adams, Glasgow, to John Hutton Balfour
- GB 235 RBG/1/JHB/1/1/A/A3
- Item
- 1854
Part of Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Institutional Archives
Letter from James Adams, Glasgow, to John Hutton Balfour dated 1854; Adams is impressed by Dr. Abernethy's paper, Balfour's remarks and also those of Balfour's friends who agree with you on the Coal question; Greville's acceptance of the Civil jury's decision has not affected the scientific question. Such a style of controversy shows how Scientific opinions can differ widely, free from personal views. Adams requests a delay in decisions until Balfour has a fuller explanation of the rings in the section of coal shown. [continues at length disagreeing with Balfour's evidence] and states that although Balfour's explanation was innocent it was mistaken and he should recall it in the name of Science. Adams writes this as a friendly challenge and the result will either modify Balfour's views or those of Adams and others who disagree.